Calm after the storm

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It's been a bit since me my "moment" after brook brought me to my new room nothing special just a closet and a twin sized bed with some stairs so I can get up and some short bars on each side. Brook told me it's so I don't roll of my bed in the night which I guess makes sense there is one window with black curtains that make the room pretty dark. She left me here to take a nap but I'm having trouble.

I'm tired and sleepy but I felt so embarrassed. I cried in brooks arms like a baby it was awful.... but it felt kind of nice to get that off my chest I hear the door nob jiggle and in comes brook I quick close my eyes pretending to sleep.

She walks in and I hear her shuffle around for a bit finally coming over to my bed and putting a hand on my back and gently running it back and forth in a comforting way. I kinda loved it but I was also flinching every now and then I've never been touched like this... so gently.

In a soft and calm but dominant voice I hear
"I know you're awake little one" my face red I shot up and move away from her hand

Making her giggle

"It'" I'm so flustered I can't talk

"Not...n...not ....not"

She smiles and takes ahold of my hand gently my hand shaking nervous and uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry it's just you're so cute when you're flustered"

My face even more red now I cross my arms a huff

I look up to see her pull out some measuring tape.

"What.... what's that for?"


She says plainly

I grumble "ya... I know....but"

She giggle still teasing me obviously
"I'm gonna measure you so I can order you some new clothes"

I was gonna protest but remember the only
Clothes I have are these baggy sweatpants and sweater I'm wearing.


I hear him say so softly he's such a shy boy every time he speaks it's almost like a whisper

"I'm sorry sweetie?"

"I... don't.....want new clothes...."

I smile sweetly and get on my knees so we're eye level
"Why not?"


He takes a second and looks away I can see it in his eyes he's looking in that cute little head of his for and excuse.

I patiently wait for it but he seems to give up and look away.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"I don't.... want you to spend money on me"

I start to chuckle he's so silly

"Why not?"

"It's just....I'm..... I don't want to burden you"

I look at him like he just spoke a different language I didn't understand why he was so adamant about being a burden to some one who wanted to take care of you.

" I hope you know that I signed up to be you're caretaker in every way. I have chosen to be you're caretaker, to help you,So I'm gonna buy you clothes food nice thing and such. And you don't have to feel bad about it.

"...." he was still looking away uncomfortable

"Can I tell you why I became a caretaker"

He nods and looks at me but is having a hard time making eye contact

"I've always had this.... emptiness in me... this gap I've always wanted to fill it. So I tried everything... some of those thing I'm not to proud of... but when the virus hit and ... people needed help I found what that gap was... I waited a long time just for the chance to look after...."

I felt myself get lost in my own words until I heard ruffling as max began to stand up and put his arms out so I can measure him.

He looked a little uncomfortable and embarrassed but he's trying to act all brave it's adorable...

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