Chapter 4: Jealousy

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It is morning, Anastasia is walking through the hall of the castle and runs into Arthur. 'Hey remember when you asked me if I saw your necklace somewhere.' 'Uh yes, I lost it.' Anastasia says doubtfully. He puts his hand in his pocket and a chain comes out 'I found it, it was at my house. Andora had found it and it wasn't Clara's either so it had to be yours.' 'Oh my god!! Arthur thank you!!' she shouts. He makes a gesture that she has to turn around and she does so then he puts the necklace on her. 'Beautiful.' He says. She smiles and looks down.

Darian and Nicolas are at a distance and see what happens

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Darian and Nicolas are at a distance and see what happens. 'Who is that?' Darian asks and Nicolas laughs 'He works here, I think he is related to the king.' Darian shakes his head and looks in that direction again, then he shouts 'Anastasia!!' She sighs and turns around 'I have to... I have to go again, duty calls.' Arthur looks at the boys and then at her 'You sure should.' He smiles and then leaves. Anastasia arrives at the boys and Darian immediately begins to ask who he is. She rolls her eyes and says 'Just someone who works here, he's a friend.' 'So you're doing it with him?' Asks Darian. 'What no? Did you hear what I said and how do you care?' Anastasia asks steadfastly. 'A lot!!' he shouts. Anastasia steps back and looks at him then she looks at Nicolas and steps forward again 'Just like you don't do it with others.' 'I don't.' Darian bluffs. 'Oh really? So you haven't had the whole castle yet? Should I ask?' Anastasia asks, she walks back and starts shouting 'Does anyone have with Prince...' Darian puts his hand over her mouth before she can finish her sentence. 'I thought so too.' She says. when she pushes his hand away. 'You said this morning you had appointments, well I have my important duties too so I have to go.' She leaves and Nicolas starts laughing. Darian looks at him. 'She's got a point.' Says Nicolas, and Darian shakes his head.

'Where are you going?' Nicolas asks as Darian leaves. 'Go ahead, I'll be right there!!' Darian shouts back. He arrives at Arthur who is at work. He looks up to see who is coming his way. 'Prince Darian, to what do I owe this pleasure?' He asks.

'I heard you worked here and

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'I heard you worked here and... I'm trying to get to know people here. Who work here because that would be useful if I become king of course.' Replied Darian. Arthur nods and smiles. 'Arthur Coventry, nice to meet you.' 'A royal name, is that right?' Asks Darian. Arthur stands up 'Yes, it is, the king is my uncle.' Darian is startled when he hears that 'That means... That means you are the rightful heir to the throne.' Again, Arthur laughs. He continues his work and says 'Don't worry, Your Majesty, I don't need your throne. I'm okay with what I have, that royal stuff nehh. I wish you the best of luck.' Darian looks around and asks 'What are you doing for this work?' 'Anything and everything. See me as extra support.' Arthur answered. 'Good to meet you... uhm what was your name again.' Says Darian, almost walking away. 'Your Majesty might have a tip: When you are meeting the employees, remember the names that would be worth it especially as king.' Arthur replies and Darian walks away, making Arthur laugh again.

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