The Good Life

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All I want

Is a little of the good life

All I need

Is to have a good time

Woah, the good life


I stare at the boy that was on top of me. He had crystal blue eyes that were covered slightly by his black hair that was messily floppy. He wore a little eyeliner, which I thought was kind of cute. I blush, "Uh, I-uh." I stutter.

Way to go idiot. He still has that smile on his face, "Are you okay?"

I nod, "Yeah."

He gets off of me, extending his hand. I am still blushing when I take it, him lifting me up. I bite my lip as I take in his appearance. He was really skinny. He wore a The Ready Set t-shirt with black ripped skinny jeans and black Converse. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asks me with a worried expression.

I wave my hand in dismissal, "I-I'm fine."

Damn, I'm still stuttering! I wish there was a switch to turn that off, because if it's annoying me, it sure as hell annoying him. He shakes his head, "I'm sorry, I did say to watch out. I was on my board."

My eyes widen, "You have a board?"

A goofy grin spreads across his face, "Yup. Do you ride?"

I bite my lip, yet again. What is wrong with me?! "No...I-I mean I've always wanted to."

He stares at me wide eyed, "Really? Because every girl I've met, they complained it would ruin their hair or something."

"That's not how I am, trust me," I smile softly.

"I'm Johnnie by the way." He says, cheerful mode activated.

He seemed really nice. Most people would've laughed in my face by now. Maybe...maybe I can be frriends with this Johnnie boy. I mean, he has good taste in music. He's staring at me expectantly,  making me blush. "Sorry, I space out sometimes." I explain. "I'm Shay."

He chuckles,  "That's fine. I like your shirt by the way."

I grin at his compliment, "Same to you. The Ready Set is beast."

"Beast?" He asks.

I snort, "Don't question my language!"

We laugh together at my little joke. I never knew I was funny. I guess when you leave an enviroment like the one I was in, you get opened up to plenty of opportunities. He picks up a board which I assume is his, "Wanna learn?" He offers. "There's a skate park near here."

"You're gonna teach me?!" I exclaim with a smile.

He scoffs, "No. I'm gonna pay a random pothead to teach you. Of course I am!" He holds out his hand to me. "Come along milady."

I snicker, "Yes Sir Johnnie. Lead the way valient knight."

On the way, we continue talking about bands and stuff. He told me that he does videos on Youtube, which I thought was pretty cool. I'm gonna have to check it out later. He also tells me about his friend Bryan, also a Youtuber, who interviews bands. I may have heard of him, but I'm not too sure. When the park is in sight, a huge grin appears on my face. It was small and rusty,  but it was a skatepark. On the smooth pavement, he lays down the board in front of me. "Okay, it's really simple," he pauses. "Or not, depending on how much a klutz you are."

I raise my hand at his statement, "Klutz here."

I'm not kidding, one time I tripped over a leaf. That's one of the reasons I was bullied in hell. I was a complete klutz. He shakes his head, "Then it's gonna be hard for you. Put your non dominant foot on the board while the other on the ground next to it."

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