Can You Feel My Heart

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Can you hear the silence

Can you see the dark

Can you fix the broken

Can you feel my heart


"Shay!" I hear him exclaim.

I run away from him, giggling as I escaped him. Just as I think I'm safe, he grabs me by the waist and throws me on the couch. I laugh as I plead, "S-Stop Bradon!"

He chuckles playfully, "This is payback!"

I scream as he starts to tickle me. I am flailing like crazy while the background noise of music was drowned out by our laughter. "S-Stop, I-I-I'm gonna puke!" I squeal.

He finally stops, leaving me breathless. His soft, grey eyes stared into mine while he hovered over me. He brushes some hair out of my face as he smiles softly, "You're so beautiful Shay."

I blush. Even though we have been dating for two months, I never got used to him calling me beautiful. I didn't even deserve him. He was popular, but he wasn't like the others. He was sweet and actually liked me. He was gorgeous as well. His wavy brown hair hovered above his eyes, surrounding his roundish face perfectly. He had a bit of muscle, but it wasn't overdone. He was almost a head taller than me, so he was pretty tall. His eyes kept staring into mine as he pressed his lips to mine. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. One hand was cupping my cheek while the other was placed on my waist.

We were in the middle of an intense makeout session. It was passionate, and wonderful. I didn't have any worries. I was at Bradon's house, his parents were gone for the weekend, my father wasn't here, and I could be myself. Nothing could ruin this moment.

Soon, I felt his calloused hand play with the hem of my shirt. His hand started sneaking up under my shirt. I stop the kiss quickly. "No Bradon," I say sharply. "I'm not ready."

He ignored me and continued to kiss me. It was different this time. It was rougher, hungrier. I gasp as I slapped him on the side of the head, "Cut it out!"

I hear him growl softly as he grabs my wrists and pins me underneath him. Tears pricked my eyes as I understood the seriousness of my situation. I tried to knee him in the, achem, "manly area" but failed miserably. He realized what I was doing, amd he pulls back. I thought he was going to apologize and say he got carried away, but I couldn't be more wrong. He let go of one of my wrists and slaps his hand across my face. I scream in pain as he slaps me again. "Shut up bitch!" He snaps.

"What are you doing?" I sob.

He snickers softly, "You really think I actually liked you? You're hot, but you're just a stupid emo whore."

His lips connect with my neck, leaving a trail of kisses, sucking some parts. Tears started pouring out of my eyes as he unbuttoned the flannel shirt I had decided to wear. He smirks, "I know you want it Shay. Look at what you're wearing." All of the buttons unhooked. "So easy to take off."

His hands trailed all over me, making me feel like nothing. I was nothing. Just a device to get off on. My father gets off hurting me, he gets off on my body. I never thought I would lose my virginity like this.

"Why isn't she awake yet?" I hear someone whisper harshly.

"She needs to rest," A womans voice replies. "She had a panic attack, they can be very draining."

I hear someone sigh as they walk closer to me. Who was it? The weight is lifted off of my eyes as I peel them open. All I see is white. I'm in the nurse's office, of course. I look next to be where Johnnie was sitting with his face contorted in thought. My throat was dry, as of I hadn't had anything to drink for days. "Johnnie?" I croak.

His head snaps up at me, "Shay," he smiles. "Are you okay?"

Before I can answer, the nurse I'm guessing, comes over with a glass of water. I take it thankfully, swallowing it in one gulp. I sigh, "Thank you, and Johnnie, I'm fine."

The nurse smiles softly, "Honey, you aren't really fine. You just had a panic attack. I had to call your step father."

I groan. I can't belive he had to be called from work. He's gonna kill me. This is all my fault. If I had just shut my mouth... "Hey," a voice jumps me out of my thoughts.

I look over to see only Johnnie sitting there. I sit up on the cot I was laying on, only to get a rush of dizziness. "What was he talking about," Johnnie asks. "Justin."

My heart jumped in my throat. I didn't want to tell him this. Not here, not now. Probably not ever. I pull my knees to my chest, trying to stay calm. "He was talking about my past." I whisper.

"And what happened?"

I clench my jaw lightly before answering, "Bradon was my ex-boyfriend."

"What was wrong with him?" Johnnie asks, still oblivious.

At times, it was adorable, but now it was frustrating. "He was one of the popular guys," I explain. "He seemed really different. He was nice to me. Soon, we started going out. Two months after..." I start gasping for air like a fish out of water.

"Two months after, we were at his house. We were gonna spend the weekend together. We got in a heated makeout session that I tried to stop but..." I trail off, unable to continue.

His eyes widen in shock. I guess he didn't expect that. He jumps from his seat and wraps his arms around my. I sob into his chest as he held me. "Hey, you're okay now, he's not gonna find you."

I shake my head, "Yes he is! Justin is his cousin! He's gonna get me!"

Johnnie's POV

As I held her in my arms, I thought about what she said. I can't believe she had been through that. She was shaking so hard as she cried into my chest. I held her closer, "I won't let him touch you, I promise."

She pulls away, her brown eyes staring into mine. Though they were full of tears, they were still entrancing. Suddenly, my self control was gone. I cupped her cheek, making her quirk an eyebrow, "Johnnie, what are you-"

I cut her off by pressing my lips to hers.


FINALLY!!! THEY KISSED! I've been looking forward to this since I started this book. Hope you like it! Comment, vote, follow, do all that shizzz c:

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