
435 16 2

Save me

From this wicked person I've become

As the world

Comes crashing


In the last period, we went our seperate ways. He went to Music, lucky bastard. I shuffled into the locker room directly to the locker on my schedule. I scanned my surroundings, my heart immediately jumping to my throat. They were all giggling and laughing with eachother in their bras and panties without a single care in the world. I bite my lip, anxiety kicking in. Soon, I catch one of the girl's eyes. She automatically taps on her friends shoulders, pointing me out. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. I quickly grab my gym clothes and run into one of the bathroom stalls.

I swap into the sweats, sneakers and tee shirt shakily. God, I really hate this. As soon as I leave the stall, I'm bombarded by these girls. "Who are you?" One asks.

"Where are you from?" Another asks.

"What the hell is wrong with your hair?" Said another.

I break away from them thank god. I walk straight into the gym to find the coach already out there. There were a group of boys sitting in the bleachers, making me feel anxious again. Damn social anxiety! I silently walk onto the first row at sit down. I can feel people looking at me. The coach smiles, "Now that's what I'm talking about. A girl who doesn't waste her time with stupid stuff. I wish the others could learn from you."

I nod, staying silent. The rest of the girls finally emerge. I can feel the death glares as they sit as far away from me as possible. I bite my lip as the coach starts talking. "Today, we're gonna have some fun!" He picks up a red ball off of the ground. "Dodgeball."

Everyone cheered while I sat in terror. This is my worst nightmare come alive. I hate most sports, dodgeball being on top. I don't even know if it's a sport, but it was created in hell. "Okay, Finch, Grover, pick your teams."

Fuck, Justin's in this class too? Ugh, I'm so fucked. The other kid, Grover, had the same build as Justin, except he was a but skinnier and taller. They started choosing teams, leaving me as the last one. Typical. And I was stuck on the Grover guy's team. Everyone on his team groaned while the other cheered. That's when I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I look up to see the smiling face of Grover. "Hey, I'm Lucas."

I'm a bit taken aback by his kindness. "I'm Shay."

"Cool name," he says. "Don't worry about them, just have fun. I'll help you out."

I smile at him, "Thank you."

That's when the whistle blows and balls start flying. Mostly at me. Good thing I was small. Short, anyway. I dodged all the balls that came my way. I didn't have time to pick any up to throw back. Lucas noticed this and tried helping me out. "Hey!" He yells. "Throw at someone else will ya?"

Surprisingly, a lot less came my way. But some still came. Damn, how many balls are there! Soon, one hits my arm, signaling I was out. I go to walk off when one hits me dead in the face. I gasp as I fall backwards, but I never hit the ground. Lucas had caught me. "You alright?" He asks.

I nod, "Yeah, I'm fine. Only my face hurts."

He helps me back on my feet. I smile gratefully while he glares at the other team. "Finch!" He yells. "She was out!"

He shrugs with a smirk, "I didn't know."

"Didn't know my ass," I growl.

"Just ignore him," he insists.

I go sit down on the bleachers while I watched them play. I can't believe how nice Lucas is being, but I remember the last time a popular guy was nice to me. It was...horrible. I was happy when class ended. I was ready for my art class.

I change quickly, but before I can leave, the girls stop me. The leader, Kiara. Fuck my life. She smirks, "So you get the faggot to stand up for you?"

What? Lucas? Gay? No, she has to be kidding. She obviously sees my confused expression, so she scoffs, "Really? You actually thought that a straight guy would like you? You're ugly as hell! I swear, looking at you makes me feel ugly."

I bite my lip looking down. She's right. I am ugly. She laughs, "You're so pathetic!"

She shoves by me with her friends, while one said, "Just kill yourself already."

That was the thing that did the job. For the second time that day, I started to cry.

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