Toothless (No longer active)

64 3 9

Hello DAM amaZHANG people. Toothless here. Or T as my friends call me. (In which case I have none ) (what are we then T, nonexistent? -Caramel) (CORRECTION NONE IRL -T) Here are the first few things you should know about me

- I'm a daughter of Athena

-I'm blond, but I get all A's in school, so if you call me a dumb blond, a blond bimbo, or anything offensive to blondes, I WILL MAKE SURE YOU WISHED YOU NEVER WALKED THE FACE OF THIS EARTH.


- I have a massive percy jackson obsession. of what you would call, MPJO. (Don't we all? -Blue)

-I am the biggest Greek gods nerd you can find. (Same here -DW)

-I LOVE sea turtles, I'm trying to help the cause to save them. (oH nO; not that I actually hate turtles but...- Inara)

-My favorite ship is Percabeth. (Or solangelo I can't decide)

-My favorite character is Annabeth. Why?

-She shows us we don't need to look good, have powers, or be popular to be special.

-She shows women that we can have boyfriends, but we don't have to totally rely on them to do everything for us.

-She's really awesome.

-I try to surround myself with the weirdest people I can find. (: - Blue) (lol same. yall are amazhangly weird -DW)

-Everyday I like to write down one PJO quote, and draw a picture for it.

-I am a major art freak (same -DW)

-I can read 2 PJO books in a week (at least 2) (same! I can read more but it'd be in the middle of the night. -Caramel)

-I love food so frickin much

-I'm a her

-I'm straight

-I don't heckin know if I'm even taken (don't ask It's a looooooong story.)

-I'm the youngest in the group (I think)

-HUGE Disney fan

-Love music

-Amazhang tap dancer (NOT THE SAME AS CLOGGING, LOOK IT UP)

-Write a lot of songs/ parodies

-learning piano

-I don't have anything else to put

-ksfhgsorufgsjekalytriuebhg85684hfi8ewhfrnau (beautiful words. it's like a song. imma write a song like that one day -DW) (Can't wait to hear it. -Caramel) (lmao it's gonna be, like, so famous. -DW)

adios peeps

stay weird


(P.S. I went through a lot of the intros and put some notes in there. Your welcome. I know y'all loaf me.)

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