Chapter 21

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(Should I keep using 3rd person? Or should I switch it up sometimes and do the characters pov?)

While Daichi gathers everyone at an empty parking Lot. Everyone being all of Nekoma and Karasuno.

"So you're telling me. That they took Hinata. Because you became allies with us?" Noya asked. Kuroo nodded his head, "Yea, I didn't think this would happen though. It was never my intention to put him in harm." Karasuno looked at all of Nekoma's members. They all had their heads down. "So...what do we do?" Yachi asked, "We go after him. We can't just leave him." Kiyoko says. Daichi nods his head, "We have to get him soon. Who knows what they're doing to him."


Hinata was still tied to the chair, Akaashi still fed him food when it was time to eat. But Hinata felt like shit. He didn't want to eat, and he stopped fighting back. "You have to eat Hinata." Akaashi says putting a spoon next to his mouth Hinata shakes his head. "Hinata, you'll get sick." Akaashi tries to put the spoon in his mouth but Hinata keeps his mouth shut. 

Akaashi then sighs and places the spoon down and looks at Hianta. "What is it? You know we can't let you go." "I know that already." The two are quiet for a while before Hinata talks again. "Is she okay?" Akaashi looks at him confusedly, "Who?" "My sister. Is she okay? I know for a fact you guys have been monitoring her too. Is she safe?" Akaashi nods his head, "Yea, your team got her." He smiles but Hinata doesn't see it. "That's good." 

Hinata wants to know who he is. "Who are you?" Akaashi looks up almost immediately. "Who are you? Whenever you're here or another person, they never say your name, they just call you blue Owl, probably because of your eyes, but what is your actual name." Akaashi nods his head, "Yea, but I can't tell you."   'I can't risk you hating me if you found out now' 

"That's no fun." "I guess. But you'll probably know soon." Akaashi says lifting up the spoon again and this time Hinata actually eats it. "That's good." Hinata says, Akaashi smiles behind the mask, "Thank you." Hinata smiles and continues to eat what Akaashi gives him. 

"You know, you're actually nice to talk to. Unlike the others, who come in here threathening to kill my sister." Akaashi just looks at Hinata. "What? You are. You're quiet, but you have a nice, I don't know, vibe? I guess." Akaashi chuckles, "I bet. I'm not much of a talker you know." Hinata nods his head, "Yea, but you're a good listener, I can tell." 

The two make eye contact before Bokuto barges in the room. "A-Blue Owl, Why're you still here?" Akaashi jumps and stands up. "He just finished eating." Hinata nodded and Bokuto had Akaashi leave. 

"You know...for someone who's're actually pretty strong. Most of the people we bring literally die after a day." "Oh...lucky me." He says. Bokuto then looks at Hinata with an intense stare. "You really are something. Hm Decoy?" Hinata smirks, "They don't call me decoy for nothing. Ace." Bokuto chuckles and then leaves. 

Hinata just sits there staring at the door. Who is Blue Owl? When Ace barged in the room he was about to call him by his name. 'A' do I know someone who's name starts with A and looks like Blue Owl? Hinata sits there thinking of anyone but only one person comes to mind. Akaashi Keiji. 'It can't be.' 

Hinata continues to stare at the door, wondering when his team is coming to get him and if it actually is Akaashi or whether it's a coincidence. 


"Akaashi? You alright?" Bokuto asks. Akaashi looks up from his phone and nods, "Uh yea. Just thinking." "About what?" "When his team is going to get him. They obviously know by now." Bokuto nods his head, I guess they do. But lets just wait until it happens. You never know what happens." This time Akaashi nods his head and goes back on his phone. 

Bokuto just stares at Akaashi. 'He seems to care an awfully lot for Hinata.' He thinks to himself.


Natsu on the other hand wasn't taking the news so well. "W-what?" She looked at everyone when Yachi told her that another group took Shoyo. "We're trying to get him back." Kiyoko says. Natsu starts to cry. Kiyoko, Yachi and Noya go to hug her with everyone else watching.

"We'll get him back. No matter what." Suga says, Natsu nods her head and goes back into her temporary room at the base. They didn't want to risk her getting taken again and kept her at the base

Natsu walked into the room and sat down on the bed. "Please be strong Shoyo..." She whispers, hoping for her brother to come back alive.

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