The attraction

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It is a sunny day in the kingdom, the birds were singing, the flowers were blooming, but Espresso cookie, was having a bad time, as always he was working on his spells, trying to focus, but there was something that was bothering him. A long time ago he met an especially irritating cookie named Madeleine. Since the frist moment he saw it something inside of him telled him that, for some reason, there was something especial about him. But Espresso couldnt care less about what his inside tells him. 

"No, no, no! This is too inefficient, it has to be faster! I dont understand why my calculations fail everytime!"

Espresso tried once more to make the effort he put into his spell succesful, but as expected, he got the same result as before. Doing the same thing over and over again, but never getting the result he wanted was driving him insane. After all, that was the very definition of insanity. Trying and trying but never changing. Wasnt that the same problem he had with Madeleine? Ever since he met him, he had always lived rent free in his mind. Always thinking about how brave and kind he was. About his beautiful gaze and his golden hair that always seemed to dance everytime the breeze blew. Thinking about how attractive he was. Wait, was he attractive in the frist place? Maybe Madeleine was pretty handsome after all ...

Espresso was so confused about his feelings. It was nothing like the mathematics he was used to. Oh, the beautiful arithmetics and advanced calculations! He had always found beauty in how eveything has it own place, how every number got his own function and job. Having so much control made him feel so safe. But isnt that what everyone is looking for? To feel safe and loved? At least that was the thing that Espresso was more desperately looking for. He had never been the popular type of cookie, his best friends had always been the books. He never found his way with other cookies. All he wanted to was someone to be with. Someone that made him feeled loved and safe, that made him know that he was enough, without having to worry about what may the future bring. To have someone to hug in those cold winter nights when the breeze strikes right in the heart and the fire of the woods doesnt seem enough. Someone like, Madeleine.

Espresso looked out in his window and took a deep breath. It really was a beautiful day. Such a clear sky and fresh air. He saw how right in his balcony a graceful red rose was blooming. How lucky that rose was, the only thing it had to do to be loved is to merely exist. He turned inside and started thinking in the solitude of his room.

"The problem isnt what I feel about Madeleine, the problem is if Madeleine feels the same"

For a brief instance Espresso felt like the ticking of the clock in that room stopped. It didnt, it was the silence in the place that deafened him. Being alone for too much time isnt healthy, but Espresso has been like that for years. He decided that it was enough nonsense about Madeleine for today, so he turned to the pages with enormous calculations and numbers to get lost in time again. It wasnt the frist time that something like this happened. In fact it had happened ever since he fell in love with Madeleine. Deep in his heart a hope was still alive. A hope about not being alone anymore. Little did he knew what was about to happen...

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