desires and wishes | PROLOUGE

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What do you seek? Is it fame, glory, or riches? Is it recognition, strength, or power?
Whatever it is, you can find it all at the top of the Tower.

"Where am I?"

The boy sat up, dirt in his hair and clothes messy and untidy. "Who- what- huh?" A figure reminiscent of a bunny stood a bit away from him, back facing towards him. "It's been a while since someone's opened the door themselves.. hm."

"Who are you, young one? What do you desire?"

He blinked.

"Wh- I-"

"What is your name?"

"..Fundy. It- my friend gave it to me. He said it was because the first word I said to him sounded like 'Fundy'." "What a strange name." The bunny floated closer to him. "My name is Headon."

"Why are you here, Fundy?"

That's right. Dream was up there. He had to- he had to climb the tower! 

"I- My friend.. he- I'm going after my friend. Have you seen a boy with blonde hair and a green shirt pass by here? He has freckles too," Fundy rambled, messing with his hands.

"I might have. So many people come and go," Headon mused, his ears twitching. "Well, if you want to see him, you have to climb the Tower, Fundy." 

"How do I climb the tower?" The response was instant, as if he'd had it hardwired into his brain. 

Headon's face split into an unnerving grin, sharp teeth and canines bared.

"Each floor of the Tower has an Administrator, and each Administrator gives a test to see whether or not you're worthy of climbing to the next floor." Headon didn't mention the fact that under normal circumstances, nobody would have been able to access this floor.

Whoever was here was an Irregular.

"What's the test for this floor, then?" Fundy asked, golden eyes boring into the bunny's face. "Oh, it's simple, really," Headon shrugged. Motioning towards a large glass wall that hadn't been there just a moment ago, the bunny-man's teeth once again split into a scarily feral grin.

"All you have to do, is kill that eel, and destroy the little black ball over there." 

Headon retrieved a needle from his inventory, tossing it carelessly at the boy.

"Use this."

Fundy glanced up at the eel, determination blazing bright in his eyes.

I need to find Dream. No matter what, I need to find him!-

"WAAAAIT! STOP, HEADON!" A foot collided with his face, and Fundy found himself being knocked to the floor.

"You're going to make this kid fight that thing without even providing him with a pocket? And what kind of pathetic weapon is this needle? This could barely be classified as F-Rank!" "Lady Minx, please," A short boy with silver hair pleaded from next to the girl who'd knocked Fundy to the floor.

As Fundy peeled himself off the floor, he noticed that this 'Lady Minx' had a purple ribbon woven into her dark-violet hair, keeping it in a ponytail.
She wore a uniformed outfit with a purple skirt, purple eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Why are you doing this, Headon?" "Well you see, Princess, this little boy over here is an Irregular."

"So? He definitely doesn't look like he could match up to the likes of Technoblade or Philza Minecraft, so what-" 

"But there's the problem, he could if I allow him to live-" 

TOWER OF GOD // 5undy auWhere stories live. Discover now