the crown game // FIVE

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It takes them another hour for the groups to move onto the next part of the intial test day. Lero Ro and a redhead ushers them all into a room, instructing them all to sit down in their assigned "cells".

Fundy settled down into a seat next to his groupmates, wondering what was happening.

"What are we doing right now?" He leans over and whispers to Five, who looks up at him and shrugs. "I think we'll just have to wait and see," Five whispered back, shifting himself into a more comfortable position. "I'm pretty sure that the redhead over there is actually supposed to be managing another test," He shrugs his shoulders. 

Punz narrows his eyes, having heard the conversation. "Why is he here then?" "No clue, I'd assume that their Regulars got all wiped out or something, I guess." Fundy's eyes widen, "That can happen?" 

His two companions share an inscrutable look with each other, Five turning back first. 

"Well, I've heard of things like it happening- never actually got the chance to witness it for myself, though, so.. I wouldn't say it's impossible, but I don't think it's very.. er, it's not very common." Punz hummed softly in agreement; and as he did so, Lero-Ro comes out into the middle of the room, a throne that wasn't originally there appearing out of nowhere as the others watch on in amazement.

"Regulars! Listen up, because I've got an announcement for you guys." The Ranker's eyes glint, an emotion that Fundy can't quite interpret appearing on his face. "We'll be playing a game called the 'Crown Game'. The game is simple, really- allow me to explain. Five teams can compete in the arena at once- there will be five rounds, and at the end of the game, whichever team has one member sitting on the throne with the crown wins. 

"The crown will be presented to you at the beginning, on the throne- in the first round, it is essentially a test of speed- and after that, it'll be your teammates jobs to defend the person sitting on the throne. Oh, and, the person sitting atop the throne cannot move, or they will forfeit the game." Lero-Ro smirks, as if he knew something the others didn't.

"That's it, did I forget anything?" 

Punz raises his hand, despite Five's glares signaling to keep down. "Is this a mandatory test..?" Lero-Ro's face shifts into one of surprise, "Ah, seems that's what I forgot. No, it is not a mandatory test.. but, as incentive to participate, if you win the Crown Game, your team will get to pass this floor without taking any of the tests- after you finish with your mandatory training, of course. Now, anything else you need to know, Regulars?" 

"I literally could've told you that," Five hissed underneath his breath. "You wouldn't have had to tell everyone else that the Game would help us progress!" Punz glared back at the pinkette, "Firstly, how the fuck would you know? And secondly, even if you did know, how would I know you weren't just bluffing so that you got a chance to kill a few people?!" 

Five scoffed at this comment, elbowing the other in the gut. Fundy blinked.

"The Crown Game doesn't involve killing, you fucking maniac. Did you not hear what he said? First round, it's a test of speed. The other rounds, it's a test of skill. It's better to go in last, but we don't want to go in too late into the round because only five teams can compete at once, and there's a chance that we won't be able to compete if we go in last. 

"So, our strategy for this game should be to go in at the 3rd or 4th round, secure the throne, and from there on we can protect it just fine. Does that make sense, Hoodie?" Punz grumbled something that sounded suspiciously like 'Shut up, Pinkie,' but kept quiet anyhow.

"Wait, but are we going to compete?" Five turned to look at him, face blank. 

"Only if you want to. If what you're looking for is up there, then this Game will be very beneficial in getting you up, but-" He looked down, fiddling with his hands. "It's your choice on what you want to do."

TOWER OF GOD // 5undy auWhere stories live. Discover now