Overlord is a heavy zoner tank class that cannot do much damage by itself but it can spawn tiny robots to fight for it
Overlord is wearing a thick metal around it's waste that spans 1 stud
Break skill breakdown
Hp: 1300
Passive iron skin: 150+ more shield hp
L.ac a simple punch dealing 15 damage
L.ac2 another punch dealing 15 damage
L.ac3 a kick in the chest dealing 20 damage
L.ac4 will charge forward a short distance and hitting anyone will knock them away dealing 30 damage
J.ac the metal on overlords waist will spin and 3 times dealing 14 damage each time it hits
J.ac2 will spin for another time but two times only dealing 15 damage each time it hits
J.ac3 overlord and whoever is with him will get sent down dealing 35 damage to who he hits during it
J.hac just j.ac3
Guardbreak: a reticle will show above overlords head and he will punch dealing 95 damage and level 1 armor break 10 second cooldown
Launcher: the metal around overlords waist will send overlord up dealing 25 damage this will be in a horizontal way 8 second cooldown
Now this is gonna be hard to say but h.ac will enable the robots mode PASSIVE ENGAGED FOLLOWING
Passive will make the robots idle not attack anyone and just be there
Engage will make the robots attack anyone near you will only specifically attack someone if you lock on them
Following will make the robots follow you and not attack anyone
Now to the skills
So how this works is that there is robot minions that deal the main damage there is a space limit of 40 space robots have hp and damage
Sp1: will spawn a small robot that has 25 hp deals 15 damage per swing covers 1 space 2 second cooldown
Sp2 spawns a robot that is almost as tall as a player with 175 hp and 50 damage per swing covers 3 spaces and had a cooldown of 5 seconds
Sp3 spawns a ranged robot that will fire a laser at the enemy every 4 seconds that has 25 hp and deals 20 damage 2 space and 4 second cooldown
Sp4 will spawn a robot that is a bomb! It will run as fast as possible to the closes enemy or locked on person if on engaged mode it has 15 hp and deals 125 damage when it explodes but if destroyed the explosion is much smaller and is timed dealing 75 damage 10 second cooldown The time it takes for it to blow up when it reaches the target is 3 seconds timer is resetted when killed and then explodes covers 3 spaces
Sp5 spawns a bodyguard robot that will block damage if it is fast enough has 200 hp cannot attack and carried 8 room you can only have one at a time and once it is killed the skill will then reset it takes 30 seconds to reset
Sp6 will make a identical copy of the enemy and send it out to fight for a limited time it will ignore all commands given and just head to the nearest targetted enemy it's fighting style is rushing but with virtue it is still zoner covers 15 spaces 30 second cooldown
Virtue 100 hp avalon 100 ho kurai 150 hp assaillant 250 hp citadel 350 hp revenant 400 hp last for 20 seconds cooldown only starts when it is killed or runs out of time
Sp7 cost 3 heat and sends out a 3 by 3 of robots and if anyone is hit they will be surrounded by robots and beaten up dealing 350 damage 30 second cooldown
Sp8 will then make overlord have i-frames unlimited cooldown and can spawn as many robots as he cab for 8 seconds after the has passed all robots spawned will de-spawn
There are no combo's but you can stun em