Chapter 26: Ynna's Sister

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Me when Tadashi died ---> video beside

Dedicated to greenblueandblack for finishing her story! Love the story and I'm sure I'm going to miss it! ^___^


It has been days, weeks, after the ugly dinner. You and Tadashi have been hanging out with each other more and longer, that it comes to the point that everyone thinks of you as a thing. But they don't know, behind the smile you're wearing, a small plot is bubbling up again. A part of you wanted to stop but another part of you wanted to go on. You can't choose, so you decided to have some time alone. Which was your plan for today but Ynna didn't seem to agree.

Here you are, sitting at the back of the car, grumbling as Ynna drove to where ever she wanted to drag you. Ynna tried talking to you but you stayed silent, still in a bad mood for dragging you away from the safety of your home. The only thing you know is that Ynna was making you come along with her as she visits her younger sister and that's that.

Soon, the car halted, making you raise an eyebrow. You gently plucked the earphones from your ears, peeking at Ynna. "Are we there already? Damn, your fast. Are you Flash or something?" you asked, not convined that you were at your destination that fast. Ynna gave you a smile of mocking, "No, I'm not Flash. I'm just here to buy some flowers. She loves flowers and all. Just wait here, I'll be back quick." Ynna said, getting off her car and closing it. You watched her silently as she entered the flower shop, right beside to where the car is.

"Tsk, this better be NOT waste of my time.." you grumbled, crossing your arms. You once again placed the earphones back to your ear, humming at the familiar song. Unknowingly, you kept snapping your finger and swaying from side to side as the song continues. You were really a song lover, and there is no denying it. After a few minutes or so, Ynna came back with a bouquet of white roses in her arms. She then entered her car again, gently placing the roses at the vacant seat on her side.

"Wow, white roses. Is your sister getting married? 'Cause I don't want to see her kiss someone. Ack!" I teased, making a puking face. Ynna rolls her eyes mockingly, as if it was normal for her to hear what you just said. "You know, sooner or later you're going to need to find someone to marry. Like..." Ynna trailed off, wiggling her eyebrows knowingly at you. A thought of someone came into your mind, making you guilty for thinking of him of all the people you met.

You gritted your teeth, "Don't dare say it.."

"Tadashi." Ynna continues anyway, just to mock you too.

"Shut it!" you yelled, blushing a little from annoyance and embarrassment.

Ynna laughs loudly, her laughter filling up her own car as you stayed in the grumbling state you were earlier.



Why were you at the cemetery?

"Y-Ynna? Why are we at the cemetery ?" you asked, your voice shaking in an unusual way. You were surprised at how your voice came out, you never are really scared of corpses or dead people but this time, it made you shake in fear for a while. Ynna didn't answer you and continued walking at the grassy field, passing some old graves along the way. You gulped don the lump growing in your throat but kept in pace with Ynna's.

You kept your arms folded, staying warm. It was unusually cold in the cemetery for today. And another thing, it wasn't even near winter in San Fransokyo. How weird was that? Your eyes traveled to every graves you pass by, reading their carved names on the grave stone. All of them either died last year, or this year and the thought of just it gives you goosebumps. Crunching of leaves was the only thing you and Ynna could hear, and you have never seen a cemetery so deserted before.

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