A/N + Free One Shot

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Hello guys!

So, let's start by telling you that I won't be updating 'till Wednesday. I have been busy with my training in my sport and my competition will be two days from now. I need to train my butt off and I'm always tired. I can't do two things at the same time so please (gummy) bear with me. Wish me luck.

Second, I don't know why but I'm really disappointed when I only saw a few comments in the latest chapter I posted in "Loving My Rival". Like, did you not comment or is my wattpad just glitching? I hope not, your comments always make my day even at the worst times. ^______^

Thridly, I posted a Ryan Potter and Daniel Henney Preferences. *O*

And lastly, since I can't update till Thursday, I'll be posting a one shot right now.


One Shot - Tadashi X Reader (Guess The Word)

"What is this word?" you questioned in frustration, pulling your (H/C) hair as you stared at the paper in front of you, mocking you with the blank lines that was written on it. Your eyes twitched in annoyace, your grip on your pen getting harder at the moment. Tadashi, who was only staring at you with an amused smile, let out a laugh, seeing that you hated losing at any games.

"Why should I tell you?" Tadashi ask, raising an eyebrow at you. You gave me a small glare before tapping your pen on the table. Your eyes focused on the paper as your pen kept making tap noises. You are undoubtedly not a fan of guess the word, and it wasn't helping that there are no letters written on the lines and Tadashi won't give you any clues. You squinted your eyes, your brain was fighting on either to kill Tadashi right on the spot or threaten him that you would allow Hiro to go to a bot fight if he doesn't tell you the answer.

"Ugh!" you let out a frustrated yell.

The lines were alligned like this:

_ _ _     _ _ _ _ _ _ _     _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Tadashi laughs, "Just try!"

"Fine! What about letter C?"

Tadashi crosses out the letter "G" from the word GUESS. Here you were, gritting your teeth in anger as you saw Tadashi cross the letter. This is how you play, you can say any letter of your choice, and if you got a letter correct, Tadashi will write that letter down in the lines but if you don't get the correct letter, Tadashi will cross out a number in the word GUESS and if all the words are crossed out, you lose. As simple as that.

"I hate you..." you grumbled at the boy beside you who was smirking at your frustration. Tadashi only laugh at you, "Don't worry (Y/N). You don't, maybe you could get all the letters correct!" Tadashi encourages, only making you annoyed more than you are now. You playfully hit him on the arm, but pain took over Tadashi's arm when you did. You apologized at him before continuing to play. "How about letter...K?"

Suddenly, Tadashi raises his own pen and wrote down the letter K on the lines, making you smile and let out a small yes. "Hmm, letter J?" you guessed and instantly, you regretted it as Tadashi crossed out the letter U from GUESS. Panick took over you, only three letters and you lose and you can't afford losing to someone, especially to Tadashi. So, with all your might, you started to think of letters but it felt like you haven't learned the alphabet since you were too focused on the game. Then, you blurted out the first letter that came out of your mouth. "Letter T?" you asked, unsurely.

Tadashi wrote down the letter you accidentally on the lines.

T _ _    K _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ _

You cursed, you were sill stumped. There are still a lot fb blank spaces (and I'll write your name), you doubted that you were going to get the right letters. "Giving up, (Y/N)?" Tadashi questioned, raising an eyebrow and grinning cheekily. You scoff, "Like ever. Letter G?" you questioned and Tadashi wrote the letter you said down the lines. You smiled softly but your confidence wasn't overflowing, it was barely above good.


You cursed under you breathe, Tadashi crossed another letter from GUESS. Only the double S was there in GUESS. Suddenly, an idea came out of your mind. "Letter P?" you unsurely stated and you rolled your eyes when Tadashi crosses another letter from GUESS, leaving you to panick since there is only one letter left from GUESS.

T _ _    K _ _ _ _ _ _  G _ _ _ _ _ _

Nope, there is no way you could guess this word. So, with another roll of your eyes, you boredly blurted another letter. "Letter Z?" of course Tadashi would cross out the last letter from the word GUESS, making you sigh in frustration. Tadashi looked at you smugly, "You lose. Wanna know what's the word?" he asks, picking up his own pen. "No shiz sherlock and yeah, I would LOVE to know what sentence I'm dealing right now."

Tadashi started to write down the letters that you haven't said. The senteces started clearing up and the more Tadashi wrote the letters, the more your face turns red from embarrassment. As soon as Tadashi was done writing, he leaned back on his chair and smirked. He turned at you, you were a blsuhing mess and your eyes were wide, as if they was something extreordinary. He laughs but you kept a close look at the sentece.

The Kissing Goddess

"Now," Tadashi started, lifting you up from your chair by the waist before gently placing you on his lap, "Let's see if that sentence is right, shall we?"

And that, my friends, is that start of the make out session.


How's the one shot? Good? Bad? COMMENT PLEASE!

The one shot is inspired by the published book "Boyfriend Corp". It is still on Wattpad.

SEe you~ BYe~


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