Chapter 6: Oops!

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You fluttered your eyes open and yawned. You sat on your bed and stretched. Your vision was slightly blurry then everything went clear. You froze in your spot when you realized you were not in your room and even house. You panicked and scenarios started popping up your mind

Am I kidnapped? Did I get in an accident? What the hell?! Where am I?

Then only thing you remembered was you and Tadashi talked about his future inventions inside his lab. You shook your head and focused on the important thing. Something in this room was familiar that made you to relax a bit but the panick didn't leave.

"Where am I?" you asked to no one in particular. Right on cue, the door opened and was slammed right away. You saw Hiro, his fighting bot in his hands. He walked to his swivel chair and sat there before placing his robot away. Hiro typed away on his computer, completely unaware you were awake.

"Hiro!" you called him. Hiro jumped a little and turned to you. "(Y/N)! Why are you here?!" Hiro questioned, his face formed a confused look. You shrugged and scanned the whole room. "I don't know. Why are you asking me? I'm just as confused as you." you answered, standing up and yawning again.

"Oh! I remember, Tadashi brought you here. He said you fell asleep after hours of talking." Hiro replies, bringing his attention back to his computer. You thought for a while.

Tadashi brought me here? He does know where I live, why would he bring me here instead?

You squinted your eyes at Hiro's computer as he typed away. You took a few steps closer to the computer before leaning close to the monitor. Hiro quickly took notice of you and he blocked the screen with his hands, failing though. You crossed your arms and tapped your foot on the floor repeatedly.

"You're going bot fighting, aren't you?" you asked sternly. Hiro laugh sheepishly and turned off his monitor. "Bot fight? Pfft, I'm so done with that. I'm just um..." Hiro was cut off as scratched his neck, trying to think of a good escape. You stared at him, "Do you want me to give you some time to think of an excuse?" you asked him.

"Yes--I mean no! I'm not going to any bot fight! Really!" Hiro said in an exaggerated manner. "Uhuh, whatever. Hiro, I might now be like Tadashi that goes angry when you go bot fight but I do care about your safety. What if you got hurt there?" you stated, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Hiro gave you a questioning look before gently swatting your hand away from his shoulder. "Riiiight, like I said, I wasn't going bot fighting. I'm just looking through my files and updating them." Hiro said, turning on the monitor and it flashes complicated documents. Good thing you also took Robotics a long time ago and the documents were pretty easy.

"Ooooooh, this is awkward.." you said and Hiro agreed.

I'll pretend I didn't say anything dramatic

"Let me see!" you said pushing Hiro out of the swivel chair and you sat there. Hiro, who was now on the floor, rubbed his head while staring at your figure. "You can't do anything there. There's a password." Hiro said and right at that moment, a pop up for a password show up on the screen. You groaned and turned to Hiro.

"What's the password?" you ask.

"What? I'm not gonna do that!" Hiro exclaimed, crossed arms.

You pouted. "C'mon! I'm your ALMOST sister! You can trust me!" you said, clasping your hands together in a praying manner. Hiro rolled his eyes before shaking his head. "No means no, (Y/N). I'm sure you can respect that." Hiro spoke, sticking his tongue out. You pouted, "You better be happy you're too adorable to hit."

Hiro chuckled. "I'm thankful."

You stood yo and rufled his hair. "Hey, where's Tadashi?" you asked. "Oh, he's at the garage. Probably trying to upgrade Baymax's potential on helping people than kicking bad guys butts." Hiro replied, turning back to his computer and typing on his password. Fortunately, you saw the letters he typed on and when you combined the letters, you let out a snort.

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