(4) Just A Touch- ;)

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Your POV:
"Alex Turner out again with 'best mate' y/n, looking quite cosy for being just friends" Matt read the headline online, whilst laughing.

You and the band were all chilling in your apartment's living room when Matt decided to read one of the many rumours that appeared about not only you and Alex but the rest members of the band, that their manager had send to them.

"Very funny Matt" you stated ironically despite your blushing face. "Is almost like there is nothing more important for them to write about" Being friends with the band for awhile you were used to it by now.

"I'm really sorry y/n, I wish they didn't write about you" Alex apologized.

You sighed "Is not your fault, as I said before I would never not hang out with you lot because of a side effect of your profession"

"Actually..." Matt started "I think this could become more than just a side effect"

"What do you mean?" You asked and Nick, closest to you, showed you his phone where just below the article their manager had requested that you joined the guys tomorrow in their meeting.

You didn't let yourself worry about it. The boys had tranquilized you by suggesting that all he wanted was probably advise you on how to handle such an exposure.

Boy were they wrong. His manager wanted you to "do as you were charged of, as a way of promoting the new album, as the matter of who y/n is dating in the band has been tensioned for a while, finally having a definitive response will give more visibility to the band". You were shocked. If the articles were bad now, how bad would they get when you were "actually" together, or when you would "break up".

More horrified then you was Alex, but upon listening that it was either you or some random girl, probably a model, he decided that even though putting you through this was bad, he would prefer you than any woman. Only if you agreed.

And you did. Maybe it was because it was Alex and you were willing to help him and the boys out. Or it was because you always wanted that kind of love from him. Either way you said yes.

Now here you are at a small bar near your house with the guys, two days later. As you arrived you greeted them normally, but Alex did it for longer than he had ever done. When his warm lips touched your cheek and his hands made their way across your waist your breath hitched. You could smell his cologne. Upon noticing that you had tensed, he approached you even more and whispered in your ear "better get used to this, I'm sorry if it's uncomfortable"

It was then your turn to surprise him with his feelings, you embraced him and said with a smile "I'm not uncomfortable, is just new" the hand that was in his shoulders made their way to his chest, holding the colar of his shirt you kissed his cheek also and quicky sat down on the table, leaving him with the same rapid heartbeat.

He sat really close to you. Your thighs were touching. Matt and Jamie got up to grab some drinks leaving you and Alex.

"So Alexander" you called him by his full name sometimes, you liked it and he always smiled when you did so. "Have you finished the book I lent you?" You were always exchanging books since you both loved reading. "Not yet but I'm almost at the last third of it".

"You read like a turtle Alex" you laughed.

"No I don't, you just read too fast" he defended himself.

"No, no, no you are the slow one, you talk slow, you read slow, is just who you are" you teased him, moving your arms rapidly as you spoke. Noticing this Alex held your hands and said "Are you sure about that love?" His fingers intertwined with yours. "Cause your gestures suggest that you are the wrong one" You momentarily lost your train of thought after his touch.

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