(1) Flirtatious- ;)

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Your POV:
"Come on, come on!", Breana said as we walked backstage. Breana dragged me to the Arctic Monkeys concert which her boyfriend, Matt, was playing with his band. But to be honest their songs are amazing and I'm not gonna lie that I'm a fan. I mean who won't, their songs are amazing.

"Ok, ok I'm coming.", I said as we walked to the group of 3 boys. I knew who they are. Matt is the drummer, Jamie and Nick are the guitarist, and Alex, who is the singer and also the guitarist.

"Hey, guys!", Breana said as she ran into Matt's sweaty arms.

"Hello, darling.", Matt said as they pulled away and kissed each other's lips. Breana looked at me and gave me the come here hand. I walked over to her and Matt.

"So, this is Y/N, my best friend. But Matt, you already know her.", Breana said looking over to Matt, Jamie and Nick.

"Hello.", I said as I smiled at them and shook their sweaty hands. "It's nice to finally meet you guys." We chatted for a few minutes until Matt said something.

"Hey, where's Al?", Matt said looking around, clearly looking for Alex.

"Turn around, mate.", a voice said from behind me, Breana and Matt which made us turn around.

"Alex, where have you been?", Jamie said, next to Nick who was both in front of us.

"I went to the bathroom of course.", Alex said walking over to us, so he was in front of us. "And who is this?", he said in a flirtatious voice.

"Oh, this is Y/N. My best friend.", Breana said while lightly pushing me a bit closer to Alex.

"Hello.", I said while blushing a bit. Damn, he's hotter in person. No wonder why he's never single for more than a year, I said in my head.

"Well hello, love.", Alex said, taking my hand and kissing it.

"She's single by the way!", Breana piped in as Alex putted my hand down to my side.

"You? A beautiful girl like you still single?", Alex said with a smirk.

"Y-yeah, no guy has interest in me, I guess.", I replied, jokingly with a chuckled.

"What, that's a lie. I know there's a guy that has interest in you.", Alex said as me and him walked to a couple of chair as the others continued standing and talking.

"Oh, do you know who?", I joked.

"Yeah, me.", he said, blushing and looking down at the ground.

"Haha, nice joke, Turner.", I said giggling. I mean it has to be a joke because why would someone like Alex like me? He could get any girl he wanted.

"I'm not joking, Y/N. You are very pretty. How can you still be single? I bet your ex or someone would be really lucky to have you as their girlfriend.", Alex said while looking back up at me.

"Oh, I uh- never had a boyfriend.", I said, scratching the back of my neck.

"Oh, how about I change that then?", Alex said while reaching into his pocket for something.

"What are you saying?", I replied to him.

"I'm saying if you want to go on a date with me.", Alex said as he pulled out a pen and a sticky note.

"R-really?", I said while Alex nodded his head as we both stood up. "Wow, I mean you could get any girl that you want."

"I know, love.", Alex said as he wrote down something on the sticky note. "Here, that's my phone number. Feel free to call me and we could hang out sometime.", he said as he ripped one sticky one off the others and handed it to me.

"How about after the show?", I said taking it and putting it into my purse.

"Sure.", he said as a man walked over to him.

"You guys are starting now.", the man said as Alex nodded and the man walked back to Nick, Jamie, Matt and Breana, who were getting ready to go out.

" I need to go, love. I'll see you again here after the show.", Alex said.

"Break a leg.", I said as he kissed my cheek and walked to to Matt, Nick and Jamie.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you his a flirt.", Breana said as she walked over to me.

"No, it's ok. He asked me on a date.", I said as we walked back to the crowd.

"That's amazing, Y/N! I mean I know why he did."

"Why?", I asked.

"Because your his type.", Breana said as we walked into the crowd. The monkeys started to play. Alex found me and winked. But later do I know, we're each other's type.
I hoped you liked/loved this one shot! Have an amazing day/night/evening/morning! LOVE YOU!🗝🕷🖤✨

Word Count: 805

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