(6.2) Do Me A Favor- :;(

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Your POV:
4 Months Later...
Ring, ring, ri-
"Hello?", I asked as I answered my phone. I've done really well in the past 4 months and I never stopped thinking about Alex. I'm finally ready to go back to him. I've learned to love myself. For the past 4 months was hard without Alex but I knew that I had to do it by myself because if Alex helped I would just agree and not know if I did.

"Hey Y/N, it's Matt,", Matt said as he was interrupted by 2 familiar voices.

"And Nick,"

"And Jamie,", the 2 boys in the background said.

"Yes and also them. I was wondering if you would like to come to the old pub we all used to go to in high school for Al's birthday.", Matt said. Matt, Nick and Jamie knew about me and Alex's break up and they were supportive for both of us. They understood why and they told me that Alex understands too, which is amazing because I didn't want him to think that I didn't love him. Because I do love him, I still do.

"Uh yeah, of course, sure!", I said, getting up from my couch in my apartment. "Uh um, when?", I asked as I paced back and forth.

"Uh, tonight at 7:00 pm. Oh, are you busy because it's ok if you can't come-,", Matt said as I interrupted him.

"Of course I'm coming! I would never miss it!", I said in a nice tone.

"Ok, that's good. I'll send you the address and we'll see you there! Bye Y/N!", Matt said as Nick and Jamie said bye to me.

We hung up and I put my phone on the counter. I looked at the clock and it was 4:27pm. I decided to take a nap.

I woke up to my alarm, which I set before I slept. I got out of bed and looked at the clock on my phone, it was 6:00pm. Perfect, I have time to get ready. I made my way to my closet and picked out a light blue dress with a necklace Alex gave me, which I never took over even after our break up and I will never take it off.

Your Outfit:

After I put on my outfit and jewelry I put on my make up for the night

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After I put on my outfit and jewelry I put on my make up for the night. I decided to wear white high heels because it matched my outfit the most.

I looked at my clock on my phone and it was 6:40pm. I grabbed my white bag and put my things in it before I went into my car.

I didn't need the address to the pub because I never forgot it. It was one of my favorite memories. I arrived there and parked my car. I turned off my car and got out of it. I closed the door and lock my car. I walked to the entrance and saw Matt outside on his phone.

"Matt, hey! How are you doing?", I said as he looked up at me and hugged me.

"I'm amazing, Y/N! How are you?", Matt said as we pulled away.

"I'm good. Where's Al?", I asked as he put his phone in his pants pocket.

"His inside with Nick and Jamie. Come on, let's go.", Matt said as we walked inside. When we walked inside I saw sweaty people dancing and some people at the bar. But then as we walked to the table I saw the man I love sitting down with one of his arms around an other girl. 'Maybe that's just his friend', I thought in my head. Alex was laughing at some joke Jamie said. I saw one of Jamie's arms around a girl, which I knew. It was Katie, Jamie's girl, which Jamie showed me a lot of pictures of.

"Hey guys, Y/N here.", Matt said as he took a sit next to Jamie, Katie and Nick. Alex's laughing died down but not his smile. He looked at me with a hug smile. He stood up and took his hand away from the girl next to him.

"Love, you here! Why?", Alex said as he embraced me into a big hug.

"I wouldn't miss your birthday, Al!", I said as we pulled away.

"Here, come take a seat.", Alex said before the girl he sat next to stood up and walked away. I took a seat next to Katie, who was next to Jamie and Jamie was next to Matt and Nick. Alex sat down next to me and put one of his arms around me.

"I missed you, love.", Alex whispered in my ear as Matt was talking and laughing with Nick at Jamie.

"I did too, Alex.", I said while blushing and looking up at Alex.

"So uh, what now?", Alex said, scratching the back of his neck with his free hand.

"We have a amazing night since it's your birthday, Al!", I said with a huge smile.

"No, I mean l-like us.", Alex said, looking in my eyes.

"Um, don't you have a girlfriend?", I asked him. I didn't want him to have a girlfriend because I'm ready to get back together with him.

"Oh, the girl that I sat next to earlier?", Al said as I nodded and sipped my drink. "Oh love, she was just a friend."

"It looked like she likes you.", I said while fidgeting with my hands.

"Your the only person I love.", Alex said as he put his finger under my chin and lifted up my head, so our eyes met.

"You still love me?", I asked as I looked back into his dark brown eyes.

"Of course, love. I never stopped.", Alex said as we both smiled at each other.

"I love you. I still do, Al.", I replied. Alex smiled as we kissed each other. "Wow. I missed that", I said as we pulled away from each other.

"Me too, love. How about we go on some dates again and see where it goes from there", Al said, still with a huge smile.

"Of course but I would be your girlfriend right now if you want.", I joked.

"Really?", I nodded at him. "Then, Y/N Y/L/N, will you be my girlfriend again?", Alex said as he held my hands.

I hoped you loved this one shot! Have an amazing day! LOVE YOU!

Question of the Day: If you were in a band, which instrument would you play?
(I would play any guitar or maybe the drums!)

Word Count: 1,102

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