Name After Name

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~Black Lake - June 23rd - Thursday Afternoon~

Your POV:

Walking along the side of the lake was something Severus and I did more frequently in the past couple months. It was a good way to spend our afternoons when we've been huddled in the Dungeons for class all morning long, where no sun can reach us.

Today's lake trip was a bit more special than the rest though, because today is the last day of school at Hogwarts. Tomorrow, the train would be arriving to pick up all the students and staff.

The crunching of the pebbles beneath our feet snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked to my left to see Severus was also deep in thought.

"I can't believe another year has already gone by." I broke the silence, causing Severus to look up at me.

"I can't either." Severus replied with a small smile.

"It feels like the Yule Ball or the Tournament itself was just yesterday. Weird how time flies." I chuckled as we came up to an old dock.

We walked to the edge of it and just stood there, looking at the sun reflecting light rays off of the lake's surface.

"And now, were going to be parents in just under three months." Severus smiled at me as he placed a gentle hand around my waist.

"What are you, counting down the minutes?" I joked.

Severus hummed in reply and pulled me into his side.

"It's really already been 6 months? I swear it hasn't been that long.." I asked Severus for reassurance.

"It feels that way, doesn't it." Severus agreed with the hint of confusion in my voice.

"Well, I guess bringing up the topic is important. We still need to set up a nursery, pick a name.." I counted the things that still needed to be done on my fingers.

Severus took hold of my hand and interrupted me,

"We can worry about those things once we're home. In the mean time, why don't we finish packing our belongings?" Severus suggested.

I nodded with a smile as we began walking back.

~Hogsmeade Station- June 24th- Friday Morning~

The whistle of the train could be heard from the platform at around 11 in the morning. Students were eager to go home and see their families again, so when the cherry red steam engine pulled into the station, many students attempted to push their way to the front.

Severus held a protective arm around my shoulder in an attempt to keep people from bumping into me.

"Severus, you don't need to be my human shield 24/7." I chuckled and wriggled out of his arms as we stepped into the train.

Severus gave me the look that mean't, 'I'm going to keep doing it regardless.'

Once we were settled in our compartment, I pulled out my sketchbook. After a couple minutes, Severus stands up to come sit next to me.

"What are you drawing?" He looks over my shoulder and asks.

"Things I see outside the window. I used to do this all the time during the train rides when you weren't there." I explained and returned to my drawing of a deer.

Severus hummed in response and waited a moment before speaking again,

"I had a few names in mind, actually. May I share them with you?"

"I had a couple as well. Tell me yours first." I asked him eagerly.


A couple hours have passed and we decided we had spent enough time thinking of random names. Severus and I had found out the baby's gender roughly a month ago through a doctor's visit, and since then, we were both subconsciously thinking of names. But sadly, with no success.

As we were both deep in thought, Severus raised his head quickly and his eyes widened. I turned to look at him and tilted my head curiously.

"Elora." Is all Severus said to me.

"Elora.. that's a beautiful name, Severus. Where did you come up with it?" I asked.

"No idea."

And with that, the name was settled. The little girl Severus and I were expecting would be given the name Elora.


Alrighty guys. I know this a shorter chapter than usual, but I didn't know how else to continue it from this point and thought it would make a nice conclusion to the chapter.

Thank you all for being patient with me! I know I haven't been updating as much as I did before Christmas. Junior year of high school is a B, but I hope that during spring break I can write multiple chapters to save for updates.

Other than that, thanks for reading! I hope to see you next chapter. :)

~Emma 💚

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