the date

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He could not believe he agreed to go. It seemed too soon. It did not seem right. He was invited. Bub locally, he was doing nothing wrong. It felt wrong somehow. He felt like he should not. He knew that the Bible says that you should do everything by faith. Do not doubt. The Bible says that a double-minded man is unstable in all his way. Even though it is a valentines day banquet, it was an excuse to get together over food. Not that baptist needed an excuse.
Nicki was glad she convinced matt to come. She did not want to have to turn down the young man who wanted to be her sitter. She knew that this was a bit of a scheme to get close to the pastor. She felt like she wanted him to know that she would be there. She knew that he was not ready but she knew someday he would be. When he was, she wanted him to turn to her.
She wore her favorite dress. It was a white and pink dress with patrons of flowers. She got it as a Christmas present from her parents. She hAd never worn it. She was waiting for a special occasion. Today counted. She hoped that he would not change his mind. She curled her hair.
"Your rally dressing up nick. " her dad said. "This is just a church diner, we have them all the time." One of her brothers said. "I know that," she said. "Your face is red right now. " her mom said."i noticed that too. "Her dad said. " did I go overboard?" she asked. " no not at all. You look very nice." her mom said. "Thanks, mom," Nicole said.
"I am sure the pastor will appreciate it." Her dad said. If she was not blushing before, she was now. "Are you trying to get his attention?" Her mom asked. " yes a little bit." she admitted. Her family laughed.
She felt like maybe she was being immature. She hoped that she was not. She had never really done anything like this. She was shocked that she felt this way. She knew that she did.
He put up a blue polo shirt and brown pants. He styled his hair. He did not use cologne or aftershave. He did use deodorant. He was known for his hygiene. The girls were staying with his parents. They were having quality time with their grandparents and their aunt and uncles who were still living at home.
Nicole went to the church with her parents. The event was held downstairs in the fellowship hall. It was decorated. The ladies in the church went all out. She looked around for the pastor. Then she saw him.
She came over to him. He smiled. "Hi, there!" She told him. "You look very nice tonight," he told her. "Thank you. You look very handsome yourself," she told him. "Thank you," he said.
"How are the girls?" She asked. "They are good. Their grandparents made homemade pizza," he said. "Oh good," she said.
After a while, the pastor gathered everyone together. "Welcome to gospel baptist church's annual Valentine day banquet. I want to thank all that have been involved with the preparation, decoration good, etc. " he said.
The pastor opened in prayer. There was a two-way receiving line. Nicole got a plate of food and sat next to matt. The boy who. liked her walked by. "Quick make it look like we are engrossed in conversation," she said. "I just finished a book on an independent fundamental baptist response to the rise of Calvinism. " the pastor said. "I noticed that it was creeping into the I.f.b," she said. The young man walked on.
The pastor laughed. "He is a nice guy but I am just not interested," she said. "What kind of a guy are you interested in?" The pastor asked. "I want someone older than me. I want someone with more life experience than I have. I want a leader. I want someone who is involved in some kind of ministry. It can be a church janitor. Someone who. takes the things of the lord seriously. I want someone that I can follow. I want a husband that I can follow as he follows Christ." Nicole said.
"You're looking for a husband, not a boyfriend?" The pastor asked. "I have never dated. My.parents did not want me to date in high school. Lord willing I would like to only date the person I later marry. I have been praying to. that effect. " she said.
"Where does this come from. I know much of it comes to your parents. This is more than you regurgitating your parents' view. This is from you. I can tell. Where does that come from?" He asked?
"All my life, I have been taught one man, one woman one lifetime. The way many even believers date is not biblical. Yes, my parents pushed it. I want to do this right. I know everything we do is tainted by sin. I want to take good first steps. I believe that despite everything do being tainted by sin, God can use it. I believe that. " she said.
"I was not quite as intentional about it. I knew that the way the world dates was not right. I knew that the way some Christians dated was not much better. I decided to wait a bit. I believe that I would have not met liane had I not waited. " he said.
"you're sure your not brad?" He asked. She made eye contact with him. Their eyes met. "Yes, I am sure." She said.
A lady came over to the pastor and Nicole." pastor, I am Shana, I am Valarie's cousin. "The lady said." Hi welcome to our church." matt said."thank you. I attend a village baptist church. Val invited me to come." she said."i am. glad you. have come," he said.
After a while, she returned to her seat. "She seems nice," Nicole said in a playful tone. "I am sure she is. Don't worry I am not interested." He assured her. "I know that. I could beat her up," she said. He made a face. He was not expecting her to say that. He had a look of shock on his face. "I am kidding," she said. "That won't be necessary," he said. She chuckled. "Good," she said
"I am not interested in her. " the pastor said. "I know that. I can tell that you are not interested," she said." when leane first died, the thought of getting married again was unthinkable. It was repugnant. I know I can mary. I was not interested. "He said.
" what about now?" Nicole said "the girls are getting older. They need a mother figure in their life. Casey is six now. There are things I can't help her with. Mace and Nina have never had a mom in their life. Nina was their months when lee went to be with the lord. They don't know what a mother is. I feel like I need a partner, a helper. " he said.
"Are you looking?" She asked. "No. I am not actively looking. I am not sure I am ready. I believe there will come a time when I am ready. I am not sure when that will be. I think I will need a wife. I know that's not very romantic. I am not a romantic guy. " he told her.
She chuckled. "You do need a wife. You're doing an amazing job. You Are a loving father. It is not good for a man to be alone. Leane's task on earth is done but yours is not. You still have things the Lord wants you to do. " Nicole said.
"I know that. I have a feeling that at first, I will be mechanical. It will be a bit forced. It will be me on autopilot. Going through the motions. I don't know that I can put a lot of feeling and energy into it at first. In time the passion will come. I am not sure I can at first. " he admitted.
"You have to start somewhere. The right person will understand. The right people will work with you. " Nicole said. "I guess that is true. " the pastor said.
"Gift of time is important. Giving someone your time. Who cares that your not giddy or fully into it." Nicole said.
After the meal, there was dessert. There were a lot of different desserts including cheesecake. There was a devotional from a deacon. Ed Clark was an older man.
"As many of you know my wife Edna and I were married for 55 years. She went to be with the lord two years ago. We had seven kids and 8 grandchildren. Proverbs says that he that findeth a wife findeth a good thing and gain favor from the lord." Ed said.
"I praise the Lord for the years we had. I praise the Lord for the testimony Edna was. Edna was a blessing to all who knew her. She was an inspiration for what godly women look like. It is part of God's plan for a young man to marry. Mariege is not for everyone. Some people can serve the Lord better by being single. Some prefer to be single. The apostle Paul preferred singleness. " Ed said.
"Singleness is not for everyone. One can glorify the Lord by being married. One can glorify the Lord by being single as well. The difference is the will of God. What is God's will? For many, a spouse factors into a person's overall ministry. It certainly did for me. Edna and I wanted to reach out to visiting speakers and missionaries. We opened up our home to the conference and special speakers. We were both involved in church missions committees. "
"There is nothing like serving the Lord with your spouse. There is nothing like serving the Lord as a family. Some of my fondest memories are times that my kids and I served the Lord together. For year's I taught a camping class at a Christian youth camp. My daughter ann when she was 15, started helping me with the canoeing class. We did that for years. It was a thrill. It was an abounding experience." Ed said.
"Romance can please the Lord. It is not a secondary issue. It is an important issue. " Ed said. Nicole took this all in. She knew that she could serve the Lord with Matt. They could serve the Lord as a family. She hoped that perhaps more kids would join them.

The night round down. People started to leave. "I had an amazing time tonight!" Nicole said. "You don't mind hanging out with an old man?" He asked. She laughed. "No, not at all. You're not that old," she said. He laughed.
"I had a good night too. It's been a long time that I have just had fun. I forgot all that has gone on. It was nice. You gave me a great gift. Just allowing me to enjoy your company." He said. "The pleasure is all mine. " Nicole said.
She went home. "You two were joined at the hip. " her dad said. "We were. I am surprised. In my mind, we were on a date. I know that he did not see it that way. I am not sure I should see it that way. It was nice " she said.
"I have a feeling that you will look back on tonight and think this is it. This was the moment. " her dad said.
"You think the pastor will go for this?" Nicole asked. "In time yes. Absolutely." Her mom said. "He likes you. Don't give up on him." Her dad said. She decided that she would not.
Next up
After Valentine's day banquet matt considers his next step.

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