the decisons

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Nicole thought Bout what her dad had said. She wrote about it In her journal. "Dad said I would look on tonight as the day that everything changed. I e is right. I fear what is nothing comes of it. I feel like I can be an encouragement to him. i feel like the Lord had gifted me in such a way that I can be the help he needs me to be.  "
"In the same way, I believe that the Lord has gifted him to be the person I bred in me. life. I know he is mine. spiritual leader. I know he can be the leader of our family generally. I trust him to be spiritual, financial, and protector. I love his smile, I love his laugh.   He is handsome as well. I am sure I would tell him that part though. I would not want it to go to his head. I am kidding. "
He spent some time with the girls. Then he got them ready for bed.   He went downstairs. He sat on the couch and pondered what to do next.  He felt in a dilemma. He knew he liked Nicole.  Was he ready to get maried? Again. Was he even ready to date again?  He was not sure. He knew he liked her. They seemed to have that thing. They clicked. He never thought that he could ever click with anyone again. It seemed that he had.  
She was so young. She was 18. She was the daughter of a close friend and a deacon. He felt weird about even considering it.  
He suspected she liked him. He was surprised by that. Ever since he had been widowed, she was there for. him. He was seeing her in a very different light. He was not sure what it meant. He was not sure he was ready for anything like this.
Was this a passing infatuation on her part? Maybe she simply had a crush on her..perhaps she would move on from this. Maybe she should find someone else. 
He did not know where to go next. He was not even sure if he would move on. He felt very conflicted. He needed time to think it over.  Things did feel different.
Two days later was Sunday. They had a light breakfast. He got the kids ready to go. They headed for the church. He was nervous about seeing Nicole. 
Nicole got up on Sunday morning. She wore one of her favorite dresses. It was a pink dress.
When they arrived, the girls hung out with a Sunday school teacher. Matt was in his office putting the finishing touches on the Sunday school lesson. He headed out and walked to the auditorium. 
He saw Nicole. She saw him smile. He smiled back. He went over to her. "Good morning," he said. "Good Morning pastor. " Nicole said. They exchanged small talk for a few minutes. Then the pastor headed to the main auditorium. 
After the service, Nicole's dad went up to him. "Hello, Warren." He said."Look pastor, sheri and I have always had a great deal of respect for you. I admire how you kept going. Nicole likes you. I know my daughter. We have seen a change in her. She was always a sweet girl but she has grown. She would be a great wife. She would be a godly pastor's wife. "Warren said.
" I am certainly open to marrying Nicole. I have a great deal of respect for her.   "The pastor said. " should you decide to pursue a relationship with nicky, you have the support of sherry and me I.," Warren said. "I appreciate that," he said.
"I was hoping that Nick would wait until she is sixty to get married. I think you two are a really good match.  " warren said.
Matt was not sure how to react to all this. He liked her very much. He was not sure he was ready for that. Maybe you could not be fully ready. He decided that he would give it some thought.
That afternoon he put the kids down for a nap. He thought about Nicole. He considered what her dad had said. He believed that he could remarry. The Bible was clear on that.  There was no time frame. There was no biblical period. It is not known the time between Sarah's death and Abraham's marriage to Keturah. It is not known when Zipporah died and when Moses married an Egyptian woman.  Matt knew that he could pressure Nicole. He did like her. Could he abandon what he had with leane? 
Perhaps this was from the lord. It was conceivable. God could have laid him and his children on Nicole's heart. It was possible. He could be bringing them together.  
That night,  he went over to waren. "I was wondering if I could ask Nicole to go out for coffee tonight after the service," Matt said. "Of course," Warren asked.
"I know this is a bit short notice. She might not be open to that tonight. We could always do it another night. " matt said. "Yea. I am not seeing that happening. " warren said.  "No I am not either. " matt said.
She was wearing the same dress she wore earlier. "Nick, you want to go out for coffee with me and the girls after the service?" He asked. Her eyes lit up. "Yes I would love to" she answered. "Great. Meet up with me after things die down. " he said, "sounds great." She said. 
She was surprised. At the same time, she was happy.  He was showing interest. She did not want to chase him if she could not catch him. She feared he would be running and not let her catch him.   Maybe he was interested. Maybe Valentine's day banquet was a turning point in her life, in their life.   She trusted that it was.
After the service, people were shaking the pastor's hand and the girls as well. Nicole went up to him. "Ready?" He asked. "Oh definitely," she said with a smile.  She picked up Nina. She scooped up Nina into her arms. Nina giggled as she did that.   Macy went over to her And held her hand. It warmed the pastor's heart. He was so happy to see Nicole interacting with His daughters. He took the hand of casey. They walked to the van. He looked at them. They looked like a family. His family.
As they walked, he asked the lord if this was his will. He believed that it was. She was a godly young lady.   She dressed modestly. She acted modestly. She was responsible. She had character and integrity.  He appreciated her. He believed he had the lord's permission to proceed.
They arrived at the van. He opened the van door. Nicole put Nina in her cat seat. She closed the seat belt. She heard the clicking sound.   She then got Macey in her seat. He made sure casey got in her seat.
They got out. He closed the door.  He opened the passenger door for her. She smiled and thanked him. He got into the driver's seat. He started the car and headed for the cofee shop.
"That was a good message tonight," she said. "Praise the Lord," she said. "I do pay attention.  When I was younger, I daydreamed a bit.  I have gotten serious about my faith. " she said. "What changed?" He asked. "Remember the message you gave on " how long halt you between two opinions?" She asked. "Yes I do," he said. "That was a huge turning point in my life.  I am pretty you preached on that before. That time it stuck. I realize I was attempting to play both sides. I wrote in my bible by that verse, no more, all in. " she said.
"I have seen a change in you. You have always been a mature person. I have never had any complaints but you have grown.  The Lord is working in your life.  " he said.
He parked. They got the girls out. They formed a chain and went into the cofee shop. She and the field sat down. He ordered cofee and donuts. He brought the orders.
"A large?" She asked. "Why not?" She said. "Thank you hon," she said. "Not a problem. Happy to do it," he said. He sat down. He got a donut hole for Nina. He got half a donut for mace. They gave a donut to casey.
"So, what are your thoughts on us?" He asked. "Well, since I was a little girl, I have wanted to be maried. I eas a flower girl at my aunt's wedding when I was four. I would play wedding. I usually maried my favorite teddy bear. I have wanted to be maried. I have never dated. My parents did not want me to date when I was in high school. I was homeschooled so that is difficult. I have been waiting. My dad told me to be patient.  He said don't settle" she said.
"I write down a while back the kind of person I wanted to marry. I wanted to mary a believer. I wanted to marry someone in the I.f.b. more than that, I wanted to marry a spiritual leader. Someone who is actively involved in the church. Someone who has a role in the church and performs that role.  Someone who is a good worker. Someone who A protector. You meet those criteria and then some.  " she said.
"I want to be your wife. I believe I have the qualities to be a pastor's wife. I believe I have the qualities to be your wife and the mom to your little girls as well. " Nicole said.
"You have certainly given this a lot of thought. I appreciate that.  I am very open. To a relationship with you. You are a promising young lady. You have a report with the kids. " he said.
"Do you see a future with us?" She asked. "I do. I very much do. I never thought I would remarry. It was unthinkable. I got used to being single.  I thought ok that part of my life is over. I did not think I would find someone else. " he admitted.
"Leane's task is over. She did what God asked her to do. She did it well.  She is with her lord now. Your task is not over. You still have things to do. It is not good that a man is alone. You still need a helper. The girls need a mom in their life. I am a big sister. I am very qualified. I have character references if you need them. " she said.
He chuckled. "No that won't be necessary.  So you seem to be very committed.  'He said. " I gave this a lot of thought.  You meet my criteria. I believe biblically I can marry you. Yes, I am committed. I love the words of Rebecca, I will. "She said. 
He took this in. He considered her words. He saw the sincerity. He knew that she had considered this. Could he do this? He knew that there was nothing that would disqualify this relationship. 
He was reluctant. It was not because of her. There was no reason he could not marry her. This could be a provision of the lord.  He was reluctant because of pride and because of his own stubbornness.   He knew that.
He felt like if he walked away, he would be missing a blessing.  
Next up
Matt and Nicole relationship continues to grow.

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