Let Us Help You Chapter 3 Alternate Scene

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 "I don't know what to do Nick! I want to help her, but she won't let me! I'm really worried about her!" April told her boyfriend as she had called him after her little encounter with Mal. She couldn't stop freaking out about it. The young girl was clearly suffering at home. It was late at night and raining but they were just talking in the barn like they used to do when they were kids.

"Have you thought about filing a report on her mom?" Nick asked April who just sighed. "I'm afraid to do that! What if that just makes it worse!" April asked Nick as she didn't know what to do at this point. She had never had to deal with anything like this before.

Just as Nick was about to respond they heard a noise and they looked up in complete shock to see the small purple haired girl soaking wet and shaking while covered in injuries and clinging to an old worn out stuffed animal. "Oh my god! Mal what are you doing here and what happened!" April screamed out as she immediately grabbed the girl and dragged her inside of the barn and away from the rain and Nick handed her a towel.

The small four year old just started sobbing after that. "Mommy made me leave the house again because I'm not smart like the other kids in my preschool. I was gonna stay here tonight until mommy let me come home, but I can go to the park instead. I love the park anyway!" Mal told the two and April couldn't stop herself as she started to cry just hearing the innocence and the suffering she was going through.

"No Mal you are not going to sleep at the park. Especially not when it's raining. And no you are not sleeping in the barn. Come on let's get you fixed up and you are staying in my house tonight," April told the young girl who just looked at April in shock.

"It's okay Miss. April I will just sleep in the barn. I do it all the time," Mal told April who just pulled the small girl into a hug as she broke down sobbing not able to hold back anymore. The small girl just pulled away as she wiped away April's tears. "It's okay Miss Apwil pwease no cwy," Mal told April who was still not taking no for an answer. Every time she tried to help the small girl she refused it, but April would not budge on this. This was enough proof for her that something was going on at home.

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