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As of recently,more of these corruptions have been coming around,see

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As of recently,more of these corruptions have been coming around,see...(Y/N) knew she was a hybrid but she tended to keep it personal.today was a warm,sunny day out,her being the 'sun loving' person she was(im joking,nobody likes the sun)she decided to slip on some (F/C) fipflops and some shorts,she headed out of the house and to town,'i haven't seen kiki in a bit,maybe i should go visit?'she pondered,thoughlessly walking down the sidewalk as small groups of people walked down the boardwalk

.as she passed the fryshop,she heard a boyish and slightly deeper more feminine voice chanting,"the bits!the BITS!THE BITS!THEBITS!"they chanted,she confusing looked to her left to the sound of the small duo,she saw a kid about her age,maybe 5'3 or shorter,and a person around the same height with.....purple skin??she stared for a moment,confused,soon after a few moments,mr fryman came out with a small container of fry ends,and handed them to the kid,"ya know you could get actual frys,right steven?"mr fryman said,leaning on the counter,'steven'as mr.fryman referred to him as,"NOPE!THE BITS"he shouted,as the purple woman laughed aloud,"THe BITSS!"she shouted,after 'steven'grabbed the small container,he turned,and made eye contact with (Y/N)."hello!"he ran over to her,"uhm,hi..?"she questioned.he smiled and the purple woman just crossed her arms,"im steven!shes amethyst!and you are?"he pointed to amethyst then stook his hand out to her,"yo"the purple woman called,"im (Y/N),(Y/N) (L/N)."she grabbed his hand and waved it up then down once,with a small smile on her face,she then dropped his hand and placed her hands behind her back and rocked on her heels,"soo..."she said she stopped rocking on her heels and kneaded her hands together,"wanna come with us?"he said quickly as his smile grew even wider,"uh......surreee"she awkwardly smiled,she then set off down the boardwalk with the duo,now a trio,"ah sunset,my favorite time of day!when the first sun sets and the second one gets bigger in the sky"he smiled,she proceed to look up,"wUAH-WHAT IS THAT-"she quickly shouted,ameythest looked up,"yeah,that big,hot second su-"she quickly cut herself off,gasping,"oh no-what is that doing here?!"she looked towards it,"what is it?"steven questioned,"AH MY BITS-"steven cried out as amethyst picked him up and ran toward the part of the beach that had a sign reading 'NO TRESPASSING*please*' (Y/N) quickly sprinted after the duo.

they quickly made it to a run down and old-ish looking temple in the shape of a huge woman with 8 arms and a small house held between 2 of the hands in the lower middle of it."this is bad."a quite tall,dark red and black woman stated monotonly,"look at the size of it!"a tall pale woman stated,shocked while leaning over a telescope."i had No idea these things were so big!"she continued,"garnet!pearl!"ameythest shouted while running up to them."we saw.some of us are trying to protect humanity,where were you?" the tall pale woman placed her hands on her hips in a mock way,"and why is there another human with you?!"she leaned over to amethyst,"little stevie here invited her!"she used her thumbs to point to me and him,"call me (Y/N) please.thank you."she stated in a monotone way,being sarcastic,"yeah!this is pearl and she is garnet!" steven excitedly pointed to the both of the tall woman,"hello (Y/N)."she said still looking at the 'thing',"can i see!?"he ran up to the telescope,and peered though it,"whoa!its a giant eyeball!awesomeee!"he called out.as he said that,panles on the 'eyeball' peeled away to reveale an iris looking at the group of huamnoids,"NOT AWESOME-"pearl shouted.throwing her hands back,"ITS A RED EYE!"she pointed her hand to the eyeball."a red eye?!ITS GUNNA INFECT US ALL!"he yelled and threw his hands on his head,"thats pinkeye steven."garnet stated,standing completely still,"its going to crash into beach city and crush us along with a bunch of oblivious innocent people."she waved her arms and looked at him,"the only thing powerful enough is a light canon"garnet stated as she adjusted her visior and just as she did she revealed and red circular gm in her palm,now that she thinks about it-she looked at pearl and amethyst and noticed the gemstones placed on them,pearls on her forehead and amethyst on her chest-she slightly zoned out thinking about it-as she zoned back in-she saw steven running towards the carwash-

she quickly followed after him.she looked back only to see amethyst being thrown to it by garnet-she turned back towards steven and continued following,"steven wait up!"she shouted,he paused and turned to her,"huh?"he waited for her to catch up,"hey!ima comin with!"she patted his shoulder,"alrighty then come on!"he continued running

Soon they made it to the carwash he started banging and yelling on a van door,"ya know steven maybe we shouldnt bang on rand-"soon a man about 5'6 came out of the van weilding a iron pan,"WHOS THERE?"he looked around then saw steven,"..........steven..?I almost waffled your face!"he looked around then saw (Y/N),"hey whos the lady?"he asked little stevo,"this is my new friend (Y/N)!"he shouted and pointed with both his arms to her,"hi,im (Y/N),(Y/N) (L/N)!" she smiled and stuck out her hand,he grabbed it and gave a firm shake,"im greg universe! Little stevos dad!nice to meet cha!"he dropped her hand,"anyways why ya here kiddos?just wanted to come see ya dad?'' he elbowed his son,"no we need to light canon that belonged to mom to blow up that eyeball!"he jumped up and down,"eyeball?''he looked up,"OH MAMA-wait is that a magical thing?the gems told me not to get involved with magic stuff"

after more converating,the trio head to the 'U stor' storage unit building and he opened one on the far end,"if its anywhere-its in here-"he smiled at it,"steven tied a flashlight to his head and then got closer to (Y/N) and tied one to her aswell,then tied rope around both their waist,"here we go!'' he shouted as they both went in."wow.....its so dusty in here...''she stated and she blew some dust off of a box and grunted in disgust.(Y/N) and steven both ventured farther in,"with all this dust im surprised there is nothing living in here fo how long no one has been in here for..."just as she finished her statement a mouse scoured past her hand,"ahhHHHH-"she shrieked for a moment,"you okay in there kiddos?"greg called into the mass of boxes and random items,"YEP JUST A MOUSE-"she called out,"oh boy.."he rubbed his neck,"just as he said that the sound of glass shattering could be heard,"uh dad?i broke a photo-"he said kinda dejectedly,"its okay buddy!if every pork chop were perfect we wouldnt have hot dogs!"just as he said that a bright glow emitted from the back of the unit,causing both of the young teens to rush to it,"whoa-"she said making steven look at her making his face tint a little-he then looked at it aswell-"the light canon!"

He tied a wire around it then tied the other end to gregs van then drove forwards-pulling the canon and all his junk out with it,"well....i mean it worked i suppose-"said rubbing her nose bridge-"how do we get it to the beach?"just as said a red cart rolled over to them,the duo lifted it to the cart then plopped it in-causing the bottom to fall out-as they were doing that (Y/N) was climbing into the front seat- soon the trio were on the way to the temple with steven and (Y/N) smushed together-"hah-"they both laughed and they wiggled to get comfy,"cant this thing go any faster?"steven asked,causing greg to rev the engine,"come on lets put in one of your disk!"

Soon they made it to the beach with gregs music blairing in the background,just as amethyest washed ashore again,"throw me again!i think im cracking it-is that-"

They all quickly climbed out of the van and made their way to the canon,"he really had it-!"pearl said suprised
Just as that was said,the red eye stsrted lifting items and sand off the shore,music still blairing from the van,"we need to start it NOW!'garnet rushed over with pearl ad amethyest behind,"i dont know how it works!it was roses!"he then asked his dad as he replyed with a confused face,"the gem!you have roses gem!"pearl shouted-wait what?steven is a gem?he doesnt look gem?wait-she looked at him in suprise as he was being lifted by amethyest and rubbed on the canon,which slighty lifted his shirt to reveal a pink gem where his belly button should be,is....is he like me?is he hybrid?! She fell out of though as the canon suddeny activated and they all rushed to carry it-she and steven stood in the front with steven behind her-soon it shot a a beam of pure pink light which shifted into a rose then to a another unknown gem-soon it hit the red eye with a huge crash-everything came crashing down to the shore,looking over to see gregs van drifting into the ocean and she and steven went over to help but not before one though came through-
He-hes like me...im not alone..
Luv u,u lugs

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