Damon: He Hits You

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Oh my god where could he be!? You and Damon have been dating for over a year, and he is always out late, but he usually tells him where he is. He had went out for a drink,and he has been gone for 4 hours! It was now 2 in the morning and I was trying my best to stay up and wait for him, so I could scream at him. I was watching the crackling fire when the front door opened, then slammed shut, with a loud thud.

"Where in the world have you been!?" You shouted at him as you pushed you finger into his chest with each word.

"I was out. Now if you excuse me," he says while shoving you out of the way, "I'm not in the mood for nagging."

Him saying that threw your off the edge.

"What the hell do you mean 'your not in the mood'?! I have been worried sick, and that's how you come home?! I cant believe you right now!"

Damon just rolled his eyes and slowly made his way up the steps.

"Maybe this is why Elena never loved you!" You shouted. The second you said that you regretted it. He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to glare at you. "Damon I-Im sorry, I didn't mea-" but before you could say anything his hand connected with you face. He slapped you. He slapped you so hard that you fell on the floor and hurt your ankle. You held your face where he had just struck you, and you did nothing but silently cry.

"I hate you y/n." Damon said with the angriest face you have ever seen.

After he told you the three words you wished you would never hear, he turned back around, and made his way back up the stairs. After what felt like sitting on the ground for hours, replaying the words in you head over, and over, you stood up and limped out the door. Before you made it to your car door, you fell from the immense pain in your ankle. It was most definitely sprained, or even broken. You pulled out your phone and called your only best friend; Stefen. Even though he was Damon's brother, he was one of the only few people you trusted. You dialed him up as quick as possible.

"S-Stefen?" You asked as the phone stopped ringing.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" He asked with a hoarsely voice. You them realized it was so late into the night.

"I-Im sorry for waking you, but I need help."

"Y/n what wrong?" He was now fully awake.

"I'll tell you when you get here, but please hurry." You said as a single tear left your eye.

"I'm on my way, stay where you are." And with that he hung up.

You did as you were told and sat on the cobblestone ground. You didn't even try to make it to your car because you knew that your ankle would give in on you. You then touched your face where Damon had slapped you. It was now puffy, and you knew it was still red. In at least five minutes Stefan was pulling into the drive way.

"Y/n! What happened? Why are you outside? Why is your face red? Why is your ankle swollen? Where's Damon? Have you been crying?" Stefen was bombarding you with questions.

"Slow down Stefen. I'll tell you in a second, but help me up first." You said extending you hand to him.

He helped you up and help you up, so that you wouldn't fall or have to put pressure on your ankle. He then helped you to the hood of you car so you could sit down.

"Alright now tell me what happened!" Stefen said with loads of concern and sorry in his voice.

You took a breath then said, "Well Damon was out late, and I was mad so when he finally got home I yelled at him. Then I said something I probably shouldn't have, and then he, he-" but before you could finish Stefen finished for you.

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