v. feels like forever

731 42 8

trends for you
#ariana grande
#harry styles
#thank u next

@ user: um????? HARIANA?

@ user: what the fuck is going on omg

@ user: harry is not in thank u, next bc ariana isn't over him it's so obvious

@ user: a hariana reunion is all i've ever wanted 😭

@ user: are they back together??

@ user: harry being there when ariana wins woman of the year completely makes sense with my fantasy 😌

@ user: @ arianagrande: SPILL THE TEA

~ two ghosts ~

"i'm confiscating that phone if you don't log off twitter."

ariana heard niall's voice from behind her and she turned around with a guilty smile, hiding her phone between the couch cushions. he shook his head and chuckled, sitting next to her on the sofa and wrapping his arm around her, making her sigh as she buried her face in the crook of his neck.

"it'll blow off in a week or two, just... promise me you'll stay away from social media for a while. it's not good for you."

ariana loved all of her friends, but niall definitely was the most protective. he was a very warm, nurturing person by nature and she loved that about him. she sometimes wished she could've fallen for him, instead of harry, but their relationship was completely platonic and it would always be that way. even if fans and, on occasion, their own friends were constantly saying there was something more. they both knew better.

"you're right. i'll delete twitter until everything calms down."

ariana unlocked her phone to do just that and niall watched her carefully, trying not to react when he accidentally caught a glimpse of ariana's unopened messages. he knew 'h☁️' could only be one person and he wondered if they were talking again. he didn't ask though, he respected ariana's privacy and he knew she hadn't told him for a reason.

"okay, all done. we should probably get going, mikey and troye are at the studio waiting for us."

niall nodded and followed ariana outside, watching her ponytail sway as her heels clicked loudly against the marble floor.

she sure was something else.

~ two ghosts ~

harry styles was a busy man.

he had things to do, meetings to attend and people to talk to. he had friends (contrary to popular belief), family and even a dog. and it's not like he adopted said dog because he was lonely and sad... no, that's not it at all. okay, maybe a little. either way, he had a life of his own and a job that he adored.

harry, however, couldn't seem to get out of bed. he couldn't find the energy to because everything was a mess.

his publicist was mad at him over the whole ariana ordeal (even though his job was to fix it), he was receiving a concerning amount of hate and threats online again and worst of all, ariana hadn't replied to his text.

she hadn't even read it.

was she mad at him? was this her way of telling him to get the hell out of her life? or was she just busy?

the latter was the most realistic and harry knew that, but something told him it was far more complicated than that. his ego, probably. or maybe his need to believe that ariana still thought about him constantly.

so now harry couldn't get out of bed.

which was dumb, yes, and no, he hadn't actually tried to get out of bed, but harry didn't know how else to deal with it. so he binged watched the office and pretended the world had ceased to exist while he anxiously waited for ariana's reply.

wait, how long can someone live off ramen and beer until it becomes detrimental to their health? harry made a mental note to google that after.

his pity party was cut short when his phone screen lit up and harry sighed in relief.

maybe hope wasn't lost after all.

~ two ghosts ~

hi ! i'm sooo sorry for the late reply

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hi ! i'm sooo sorry
for the late reply

it's alright
how are you?


let me guess, wine?
rosé to be specific

u'd win at ariana trivia

of course i would
i'm her biggest fan

:) so
what have u been up to?

uh just the usual
work stuff, you?
well, besides the wine

been in the studio since
yesterday n i just got home

since we're talking about that...
i wrote a song that i think is
right up your alley


yeah. do you mind if i
send it to you?

u wanna give it to me?

only if you like it

then send away :)

here it is

im gonna listen to it
gimme a sec

i know it's a little too slow
and acoustic for you and it's
from a guy's perspective
but you can change anything
you want and make it yours

read 10:23 am

~ two ghosts ~

he wanted to say so much more.

he wanted to tell her he'd had that song sitting in his voice notes for over two years. he wanted to tell her that the only reason the song didn't make the cut when he was choosing tracks for his debut album was because it hurt too much, but he didn't say anything else.

harry waited for a reply, then he waited some more and eventually, he got back in bed.

was it too much too fast?

~ two ghosts ~

okay but harry singing an acoustic version of imagine and switching the lyrics..... much to think about. thanks for reading!

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