ix. not just on christmas

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"i dare you to lick mikey's nipple."

"woah... do i get a say in this? because if you're gonna lick one then you must lick his brother. we don't play favorites here."

"what the actual fuck, mikey."

christmas eve was going great, clearly. ariana had decided to spend it with her best friends instead of going to some party. lately she hadn't been in the mood for that and she was lucky the boys understood and didn't care. though, she kind of started to regret it when mikey and troye got drunk enough to start daring each other to do stupid things.

"ariana! i dare you to call harry and tell him you want him back and then be like, can i suck your talented dick?" mikey said, raising his voice an octave and impersonating ariana, making troye cackle and niall frown.

"okay... you're drunk and we're not even even playing truth or dare. you good?" ariana raised her brows, amused by her friends drunk antics. she ignored how the idea of calling harry sent chills down her spine.

"you're drunk too, hypocrite, and i still think you should call him. you literally love him." mikey and troye pursed their lips and started making kissing noises to annoy ariana and it probably would've worked, had she not been so distracted thinking about her ex.

"guys, come on. leave ariana alone." niall said and he tried not to sound too bothered.

"you jealous?" mikey teased, making the irish boy scoff and roll his eyes.

defensive much?

"i'm gonna get another drink. you want one, ari?" ariana nodded and smiled gratefully at niall but he could tell her mind was somewhere else.

ariana took advantage of niall's absence and pulled out her phone, he was constantly nagging at her to stop using social media so much. it was sweet, but annoying at times.

~ two ghosts ~

hi!!!! how r u? <3

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hi!!!! how r u? <3

i'm okay

i'm kinda drunk but
other than that i'm good

hahah i'm glad
you're with your family?

jus my friends

i'm not with anyone
i couldn't fly to london
this year so :)

ur alone on xmas? :(

it's no big deal

yeah it is !!!
u should come
we're just hanging out

oh i don't know
i don't wanna intrude

cmon u wouldn't
i would love for u to come

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