x. arrogant son of a bitch

769 39 15

"is harry styles sitting on the couch or am i just high?"

when mikey, troye and niall returned to the living room, they were shocked to find harry and ariana laughing together. it was almost like they'd been transported back to 2015.

needless to say, it was really freaking weird.

"oh, there you guys are! harry is here." ariana was so cheerful, no one had seen her like that in months. it made troye and mikey happy to see their friend with a genuine smile on her face for once.

niall was too focused on the new bling on her neck to notice her happiness though. he knew harry had to have given it to her. or, she put it on to impress her ex. either way, niall wasn't happy about it and it showed. he was annoyed and he considered calling it a night and going home but then it'd be obvious he had a problem with harry being there and ariana had a tendency to take harry's side over anyone else's.

ariana didn't notice niall's discomfort at all throughout the night even though he wished she had. harry, however, did notice the way niall would glance at ariana when she wasn't looking with longing eyes and a sad, defeated smile.

old habits die hard, i guess.

harry tried not to let it get to him. after all, niall hadn't been able to escape the friendzone in almost 5 years and that probably wouldn't be changing anytime soon. he'd already let his irrational jealousy for his former bandmate ruin enough. harry needed to find a way to move past it and become a better man. not just for ariana, but for himself as well.

"you okay? you've been quiet."

ariana asked and looked at him so sweetly, it almost made him forget everything they'd been through. even if he'd been a total dickhead in the past, she never stopped caring for him. they'd been broken up for over 4 years and she could still tell whenever he wasn't in a good headspace.

"i'm okay, just tired. i should probably go home soon."

truthfully, harry didn't want to go home. he hated the idea of leaving when he'd been having such an amazing time with ariana. making her laugh, drinking with her, talking about anything and everything. it was all very familiar to him, but there were boundaries that didn't use to be there and it killed him to know she wasn't his home anymore.

"it's late... you can stay in one of the guest rooms if you want."

guest room. ouch.

the offer was sweet, though. not that harry needed anymore confirmation that ariana was an actual angel sent from heaven.

"you sure you don't mind?" harry's politeness was something ariana had always adored and one of the many reasons why she felt so safe with him, regardless of the status of their relationship.

"the boys are staying too. it's not a big deal, really."

well, that hurt. it had been a big deal to him. sleeping over, even if it was just ariana being nice and was completely platonic. however, harry had to remind himself to slow down. baby steps. everything would fall into place eventually.

it had become like a mantra to him.

"who's ready for some karaoke?" ariana's cheers brought him back to reality and he smiled, knowing he wouldn't go to sleep until he'd sang at least one duet with her.

the rest of the night was spent singing, laughing, drinking and both harry and ariana felt strangely fulfilled. as if something that had been missing for a while had suddenly been fixed and everything was right with the world again.

ariana ignored how at peace she felt now that harry was back in her life and he ignored how sad he felt knowing ariana would probably never look at him the way she used to.

~ two ghosts ~


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troyesivan: they sang endless love n then passed tf out lmao amateurs. merry xmas hariana stans 🤪

tagged: harrystyles, arianagrande

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user: TROYE????


user: omg it's happening

user: not troye being the biggest hariana shipper-


mikeyfoster: lol ariana is gonna kill u when's sober
; user: mikey 💀

~ two ghosts ~


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arianagrande: hope u had a wonderful xmas. i sure did. love u

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mikeyfoster: u ugly asf
; arianagrande: i let u drink all my alcohol n this is how u repay me???

troyesivan: ur nose is so cute
; arianagrande: did i ask
; troyesivan: SO RUDE



user: why do i feel like ariana is mad at troye bc he posted the hariana pic
; user: u might be onto something....

user: hariana spending christmas together after so many years 🥺 i'm so soft

~ two ghosts ~

hey!! thank u for reading <3

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