34- Hp/ Wonderland

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Code name: Cheshire Cat
Transfer student from American government to help in the wizarding war.
Could be any gender.
I imagine them being with Oliver or of of the Weasley twins.
They're still in school but work as an auror in the American wizarding government as a special ops solo operative.
No one knows who they are.
Has the powers of the Cheshire Cat including invisibility, can transform between cat and human form, and can do that smile and teleport or only somewhat reappear thing the Cheshire Cat does.

I came up with this idea from reading PJ by @Ravenna30 and wanting to read more but they haven't updated and I'm nit sure if they discontinued the story or not.

I just changed the theme from Percy Jackson to wonderland.

I only take credit for the changes I made and my own ideas in this story inspiration.

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