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2 years ago..

The sky were pitch black, not even a single star can be seen. The not so bright moonlight shines through the curtain of the room giving you access to observe your surrounding.

The fainting footstep slowly became louder as it took each step closer and closer to you.

Holding your breath in not wanting to get caught, you can feel every muscle on your body tense as anxious and nervousness took over.

The figure stopped walking and to your surprise it whisper calls for your name.

'Y/n? Are you there?'

Your heartbeat slowed down as you let out a relieved sigh and went out of your hiding spot only to be greet by the tall masculine figure.

'Damn it, Jo. I was so close to knocking you off..' You said.

He lets out a giggle that soften the tensed atmosphere.

He was about to say something until he felt some sort of vibration from his pocket. He took out his walkie-talkie and answered it.

'What's wrong Mingi-ah?'

'...Ge..Out...Yun..Now..' Sounded like he was shouting.

'What? Can you repeat that?'

' came..'

both you and jo look at each other before you took the gadget away from him furrowing your eyebrows as you say,

'Mingi we can't hear you.. what's wrong mingi?'

' out!..'

that was the last thing you hear before a loud sound blast outside the room.. sounds of gun shooting can be heard as you and jo armed up ready to leave the place..

as you were about to make a move the door burst open causing you to fire..

eyes widen as you realise it was your allies, yunho

'woah! e-easy on that-it's me!'

'Yunho what happened out there?'

'We don't have time for explanation rn, just grab your gun and prepare yourself for a run..'

just as he stopped talking the door harshly twist open and closed as all eyes gathered to the 'thing' that had just been thrown into the room..


just as the three of you tries to move the bom explodes throwing everyone and everything everywhere..

just then a bunch of armed up masked man burst into the room firing bullets everywhere when the three of you hides behind the huge table..

'Who the fuck are they?!' Jo asked as he armed his smg and fire it rapidly causing some of the mans to fall down their death.

Ignoring the pain from being blowned up alive, you and yunho took out your guns too and started firing up

'I have no idea!' yunho replied eyes focus on the target

'We need to get out! Now!' with a single switch he refills his gun and shouted,

'In count of three both of you run out the door! I'll cover up..'

Your eyes widen at him

'No, you both go, you can punch em and clear the coast while I cover up..'

You were about to disagree as the idea of leaving one of your allies terrified you

Yunho on the other hand nodded and take you arm

Jo fire up a few more shoots and shouted,


Yunho dragged you out the room towards the staircase when bunch of masked men were about to shoot you both

Jo came out the room soon after and fires up his shots as you and yunho walk forward and throw punches and kicks everywhere..

Little did you know that someone had been aiming at Jo as soon he lets out a groans as his shoulder had been shot

'Jo!' You were caught up in between two mans

You heard a beeping sound as your eyes widen at what had been thrown in between you and Jo

'YOUNGJO!' Both you and yunho shouted

You were about to run to him

'Y/N RUN!' Was his last words as the bomb explodes right infront of your eyes.. You were thrown backwards hitting your back at the wall harshly..

The deafening sound of the bomb does not help your conciousness at all..

Yunho's desperate shout were heard in between them as everything turns pitch black..

a/n: Preview of youngjo above, might as well check out on oneus, they all are very talented people !

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