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Your peaceful sleep was interrupted by the ray of sunshine that shines through the curtain.

Looking over at the clock on the wall it's only 6 in the morning.

You do your morning ruitine and change into some comfy sport attire as you were about to jog around your neighbourhood.

Time skipped

You entered the house an hour and a half after exercising and went to take a shower but were amused to find seonghwa standing near the window in your room.

Clutching onto your chest, you glare at him which he return with a mischievious grin.

He really need to stop sneeking in.. This is still his house too, well technically since he used to live here.

"Goodmorning y/n.." He says hands in both pocket.

"Yeah, what brings you here so early Hwa? Do they know you're here?"

"Nah, I bet they're still sleeping.. Anyways, I need to talk about something with you.."

"What is it?" You both made your way to the mini livingroom and seat facing each other.

He sigh first before continuing, "I need your help.."

"What kind of help..?"

'What else could he possibly ask help for if not gang related stuff y/n..' You thought to yourself

"I can't specifically say what for but I really do need your help.. No.. We.. We need your help.."

His 'we' refering to his gang.. I haven't meet them yet so I don't know how many are there..

you stare at him as silence filled the room..

"So.. Is this why you've been so off last night?"

He nodded and hang his head lower dissapointed that he can't bring himself to talk to you sooner. Maybe you would start to think that he didn't believe you enough to share his concern with.

He's just doubting wheater to let you involved in his problem or no, being the good brother he is.

"Hwa.. You need to tell me what the hell is happening, you're scaring me.."

He sighs.. "Alright.."

You stare at him with your curious puppy like eyes

"About a few weeks ago, a bunch of unanimous man break into our mansion. Half of us weren't there at the moment which left the half other unalarmed and in danger. One of my mate, he... he couldn't make it safe and fell into deep coma."

Y/n's p.o.v

He continues

"We need to find out who they are and why are they attacking us. It's just seems impossible cause we had no clue about them. None at all."

Hwa's expression turns from sorrow to mad. I never see him this frustrated before..

"M-may I know the name?"

"It's Yeosang.. Kang Yeosang.."

I shouldn't have ask now that his eyes are glistening.

Who is this people and what is their intention?

"We found out that some higher ranking people are holding a huge ball for mostly higher mafias and gangs by the end of the month which is in 2 days. We figuted out hat we might stumble upon them there which is why it became our only hope to find out who did this to yeosang and what did they want from us.."

"Are you saying you guys are planning on making yourself vulnerable?! That's way too dangerous knowing that some people are after you all !!"

I'm glad that I whisper shouted that out instead of yelling in his face cause I am no one to begin with when it comes to his gang and here I am judging their plan without even knowing the whole idea.

"More like approachable.. We will if thats what it takes to find out the culprit and get revenge for Yeosang.."

I nod although I didn't really like the idea of exposing themselved to their enemy.. What if it back fires them?

"Have faith in me y/n.." He know me to well to be able to read me out like that.

"The ball.. It will only be the headstart of our journey.."

Is this it? Is he gonna ask me to join them?

"I know what you are capable of y/n and honestly I can't find anyone who I trust enough to take them in.. I don't even know who else can we trust anymore.."

"I don't know hwa.. It's been two years.."

"Oh y/n, two years is nothing compare to how long you have trained.."

"It's not like I don't want to but - I don't think I can.. What if it happens again?.." I subconciously muttered the last sentence.

"Ah.." He finally realised what I was so afraid of "I understand.."

Then there goes the silence again as both of you were so busy with your own thought.

"...I'll see what I can help with.." You know where this is going. As much as your past still haunts you, you can't help but to feel the desire to do what you love.

"R-really?" His round adorable eyes shine from excitement after hearing what you have said.

You smile softly at him, "I think I'm not that weak.."

I'm sure he wanted me to follow my heart and desire too..

Hwa smiles happily as he was about to hug you, "Wait-no, I need to shower first.."

He shake his head as you made your way to the bathroom.

Time skipped

I walked out he bathroom amd nearly had a mini heart attack,

"You're still here? I thought you would left already.."

"I actually forgot to tell you something.."

"Go on.." You sit facing him

"Well why don't you put on some clothes first cub? Wear something comfortable, I'm briging you out for breakfast and we might just spend the rest of the day together..."

"Fine.." You drag yourself into your closet room and start digging into your clothes in attempt to find something matchable with is style. Intriguing, right?

Your fit :

•┈┈•┈┈•┈┈•┈┈•┈┈•┈┈•┈┈•┈┈•a/n : I changed this chapter too and I like this one better

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a/n : I changed this chapter too and I like this one better

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