Chapter 2 : Hate

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     My mom went to court she got custody of me, but I still had to see my dad every other weekend. Can I just tell you how horrible that was. Imagine your Dad being the light in your eye one minute and the hate the next. "Kendra come on its time to go to your dads house." My mom tells me. I didn't want to go. I screamed and screamed and when we got to my dads house I would get out of the car. I locked all the doors. I can't see him. I can't.

     "Come on Kendra." My dad keeps saying. They don't understand. My dad took everything from me. My family. My siblings. My home. He can't expect me to be happy with him.



      The person my dad was dating was the mother of my sisters high school boyfriend. When my dad found out he got so mad and kicked my sister out. He tries to act like everything still the same but it not. He's changing and he doesn't even know. The dad I used to look up to, is now the person I never wanna see again. My mom and I were already living in a new town. I was starting kindergarten. My sister was starting her freshman year in high school and let me tell you it was horrible for my sister. Imagine leaving all your friends, and everything you knew and starting all over.

    I went from living in this amazing house with a huge back yard and animals and a pool, to living in a two bedroom tiny apartment. Of coarse my bedroom was the couch at the time. Only one person to thank for that. Thanks dad for being a dead beat.

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