chapter 1

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I stood there watching Natsu and Gray go at it again.

"You're the one who is provoking me, you dirty slime ball," Natsu said, with a fiery aura around him.

"Oh yeah! What exactly did I do to provoke you, you fire clown? " Gray replied back while having an icy aura around him.

They then bashed heads together, throwing insults at each other. "Lame insults, guys." I said to them in an "I'm done with you" tone.

The whole guild just laughs at them, already used to their bickering. I look at every member around us, seeing them laughing together like a family. I smile. This is my new home.

At that moment, the guild door harshly opens, revealing a distressed Loke shouting, "This is bad news!" which makes the whole guild silent.

"It's Ezra. She's on her way here! "

Everyone, I mean, everyone looks like they're going to die just by hearing that statement. Shouts of panic began to arise.

"Wow, just mention her, and the whole place freaks out," I said, kind of nervous about meeting her. I'm not too sure I want to meet her.

"Well, she is one of the strongest female wizards we have in Fairy Tail, more than a bit intimidating," Mirajane said, standing beside me.

"That's got to be her."

"That sounds like her footsteps."

"Even the air went completely still."

Whispers from around us could be heard.

"Geez, from these kinds of reactions, you think she's some kind of demon or something." Now I'm really nervous. Imagine a lady with two horns destroying a village. "I'm so scared!"

A few seconds passed before a scarlet-haired woman carrying a large horn entered the guild. She put the horn down, which created a loud noise.

"Wow, she's pretty." I was not expecting that kind of face.

"I have returned. Where is Master Makarov? "

"Welcome back, Erza! The master's at the conference right now. " Mirajane answers with her sweet voice. "I see." She replies, nodding her head.

"So, umm—what's that humongous thing you got there?" A guildmate asked.

"It's the horn of the monster I defeated. The locals were so thankful that they decorated it and gave it to me as a souvenir. Do you have a problem with it? "

"NO!!! Not at all! "They exclaim, clearly nervous.

"She's not anything I imagined," I said.

"Now listen up!" She turns to face everyone, the guild visibly tense at that. "While I was on the road, I heard a few things. As of late, word is that fairy tails are causing nothing but trouble. Master Makarov may not care, but I most certainly do. " She then turns to face Cana, who is drinking from a barrel, "Cana! You need to start controlling your drinking." She then starts to lecture the whole guild, but when it's Macao's turn, she just sighs, which makes the lad panic. "I don't even know where to begin with you. You cause so much trouble, I have almost given up. "

"She's really tearing everyone down. It's like she's taking over. " I whisper.

"That's Erza for you." Happy then said.

"Even if she is kind of bossy, she is still saner than everyone else here. I don't understand why everyone is afraid of her. " I state

"Are Natsu and Gray here?" She then asked

Written Names • Laxus Dreyar ϟWhere stories live. Discover now