Written Names

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You take in the beauty of the glittering stars and the brilliant moon through the leaves of the tree above you as you gaze at the darker sky.

The night's cold breeze sweeps past you, sending shivers up your spine as you press your back against the hard chest behind you. You felt his muscular arms drawing you closer and providing you with the warmth you needed because he must have spotted you trembling.

You're both seated under a tree in the middle of a forest, on the edge of a clearing. As he rests against the tree, you perch on his lap. You're both just enjoying the peace and quiet of the night and each other's company. You crave moments like these, where you don't have to worry about anything and just lie there with the man you love.

"Layla." You hum, letting him know you heard him. You adjust your position on his shoulder by slightly tilting your head to the side.

"Marry me."

You fully turn your head to look at him, checking if you heard it right. His eyes are already looking at you. "What?" You breathed out, too stunned at the sudden question.

"We don't have to do it right away. I just want you to promise me that one day you're going to marry me." You looked into his eyes. Looking for a hint if he's joking because there is no way he's asking you to marry him.

Who are you kidding, though?

Laxus Dreyar is a serious man.

He didn't have a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. He's looking at you with sincerity and love in his eyes. You observe as his expression darkens with fear as a result of your silence. He's beginning to question his decision, obliviously ignoring your desire to marry him.

You, on the other hand, obviously want to. Because the man you love is sitting there in front of you. The only man who makes you want to look forward to the future is the one who inspires you to keep going even when you've given up.

"I-I mean, it's not like I'm forcing you or something, if you don't want to get m-married, then-" He began to stutter, but you interrupted him.

You place your fingers on his cheeks softly, causing him to gaze into your eyes. As soon as he felt the coldness of your palms on his skin, he began to relax. You lean in close to him and give him a gentle kiss on his soft lips, closing your eyes to take it all in. You pulled away from the kiss after a few seconds. Your eyes are filled with love for him.


As he stares at you, his eyes slowly widen. "Really?" His eyes twinkle with delight, as if you'd just granted him a long-awaited wish, which you probably did.

"Yes, Laxus Dreyar, I vow that one day I will marry you," you said, a smile on your lips. Before he pulled you in for another kiss, you saw his lips had the same one. The kiss wasn't demanding or aggressive; instead, it was sweet and soothing, as if he were sealing a vow with it. Every time his lips touched mine, a rush of warmth washed through me.

"And I promise, Layla Hikaru, that I'll be waiting for that day."

Written Names • Laxus Dreyar ϟWhere stories live. Discover now