chapter 5

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As you lie on the grass, you allow your body to relax. All the weariness you've felt for days comes crashing back to you now that you've stopped moving.

The night is quiet, giving you the peace you desire and sorely deserve. The rustling of the leaves and the distant flow of the river are the only sounds that can be heard in the entire forest.

Your pair of golden hues look up at the sky. The moon shines brightly, illuminating the meadow where you lie and making the flowers and trees around you look so magical.

The cold breeze brushed against you, causing a shiver to run up your spine, but you didn't care. Instead, it was like a refreshing wash being applied to your body.

You close your eyes and let out a relaxed sigh. It's been so long since you felt like this. So relaxing, so peaceful. All of this is perfect. However...

"How long are you planning to stand there?" you called out.

The sound of leaves crunching is becoming louder, signaling that whoever or whatever it is is slowly approaching you. It stops when it's only a few more steps away from you. You slowly open your eyes to see Laxus's figure looming over you. His eyes were looking straight at your golden ones.

From his view, he can see the light from the moon shining straight into your eyes, causing them to look glistening and breathtakingly beautiful. But of course, there is no way in hell he is going to say that out loud.

"What do you want? Are you looking for a place to stay for the night? As I told you, if you need a place to rest, you can stay at my house. I don't know why you're being so stubborn; it's not like it's filthy or anything, and besides, I barely stayed there anyway," you say, mumbling the last part to yourself, though you're sure he heard you.

"Tsk. Shut up, damn brat."

You raise an eyebrow at him. "Oh, a fight then, well..." you trailed off, standing up from your position on the ground.

You give him your complete attention. Despite the fact that you have reached your full height, you only reach below his chin. This giant, with his colossal height, must be damned. "Why don't you just say so?"

You smirk before sending a kick to his head, which he quickly blocks using his arms.

"Stop it, brat. I'm not here for that," he muttered irritably, but you didn't seem to mind. He's usually irritated for whatever reason, so you simply get used to it.

With a tiny pout on your lips, you lower your right foot to the ground.

"Why are you here, then? It's not like you came to visit me or anything." You turn away from him, cross your arms, and continue to sulk.

"Tsk, here." You look back at him. His hand, which is clutching a piece of paper, is stretched towards you.

You give him a quick glance before grabbing the paper from him. You're taken aback to see that it's not a regular piece of paper, but rather a request. To be accurate, an s-class.

Your gaze goes back to Laxus. "Why are you giving me this? Aren't you the one who picked it? " When you question him, your voice lulls with confusion.

"I didn't like it." His simple reply made you look at him dumbfounded.


You look at the request again, reading every piece of information the piece of paper could offer.

If you are being honest, it is not that bad. It's a request to capture an unknown creature that is abducting travelers on the road for two million jewels. The number of victims is instantly rising, and the news about the mysterious monster is spreading across several towns. Travelers and merchants alike started to avoid any contact with the town, which led to the town's profit drastically decreasing. It is definitely alarming news, and you don't mind accepting the job and helping them. However, its location is what made you reluctant.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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