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When my eyes opened the next morning, I found the rest of the couch empty, Mix gone from where I had laid him down last night.


A couple seconds passed and a figure came around the corner, Mix with a black apron and a big smile on his face.

"Good morning Ai'Earth... breakfast is ready in 5 minutes"

He was quickly gone again after this and I took the time to sit up, rubbing my face a little to completely shake of the sleepiness. I was about to remove the blanket when I realised that I was  having the blanket and pillow, that i had used to make Mix comfortable last night... When had he changed that?

"I saw that you slept in your uniform...  so i went through my things and found a white dress shirt taht is too big for me... maybe it'll fit you", Mix suddenly said, placing a white top on my lap.

"The bathroom is right next to my room ... there is a second unused toothbrush in the cabinet and fresh towels are in the cabinet below the sink... we still have an hour time before the first lecture, so don't worry."

I smiled up to him thankfully and stood up, folding the blanket before placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you Mix."

"No problem."




Around twenty minutes later I came out of the bathroom wearing my black pants as well and the white dressshirt he had given me. I could surely see it being too big on Mix, but still... it was a little small. On the upper arms and shoulders it was really tight, feeling a little exposed.

Slowly, I walked to the kitchen where my eyes widened at the breakfast Mix had somehow created... not sure wether I had even ever seen something as elaborate as this. Was he expecting guests or something?

 Was he expecting guests or something?

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"Are you expecting guests Ai'Mix?"

"No, I just... you know your food kast night was really good... and I wanted to thank you for taking care of m..."

He stopped at the end of his sentence and didn't finish it, making me look up to him. His face was red as a tomato and he stared at me... It was easy to figure out what exactly he was looking so... concentrated on... my shoulders.

"Um.. um sorry. I think my shirt might be smaller than I expected", he said shyly and quickly sat down, scratching his neck.

"Well I guess that's gonna happen a couple of times today at the university... but I am still thankful I don't have to go half naked", I joked, seeing him getting a little more comfortable before we both started eating.

"Oh my god... " I whispered and quickly took a second bite from the french toast.

"Does it taste bad?"

"It's... absolutely delicious", I whispered and the whole slice disappeared in less than a minute. "This probably took you forever to make... you didn't have to go to such lengths for me."

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned my head into his direction...

"I... normally spend my days alone, except when I am hanging out with Phi Vee... and you took care of me yesterday... so I just wanted to show you that I am thankful to you."

"You don't have to be. We are friends... friends should treat each other nicely and help one another. So... wanna hang out tomorrow, friend?"

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