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I looked after Phi Way for a short moment before turning around and quickly kneeling beside Vee, who was alread taking a closre look at Mix... He was laying on his side, a pained expression on his face and his breath hitching... Hopefully he wasn't hurt too bad.

"Do you think you can stand up...?" I asked softly placing a hand on Mix arm and saw how he made attemps to sit up, but his face twisted in pain.

"Okay..  be careful to not move your head around too much. Though your hand saved it from crashing against the ground, you still fell pretty hard, and we don't know if you got a caucassion or anything from that."

Without any hesitation, I walked around him and carefully put one arm under his knees and the other under his head to lift him up. I tried my best proceeding as careful as possible, so I wouldn't hurt him and Vee was quick to follow me into the changing room.

"Let's first have a look at your injuries and decide then if we directly go to the hospital or the medical office here first."

"Be careful when putting Mix down", Vee softly spoke and together, we lowered mix to sit on one of the benches in here.

The first thing that came to my sight was his swollen left wrist which was getting more red by the minute and I carefully took his hand in mine, holding it with one hand while carefully touching his wrist and hand with the other one. Over the years of me doing all kinds of sports, I had gotten injured many times - and was at least confident in deciding wether he needed instantly treatment in the hospital or if it made more sense to see the school doctor first.

"Alright... ", I slowly placed his hand down again and then moved a little, taking a closer look at his upper arm. It was easy to see small violet lines below his skin and he would flinch when touching it.

"This one here isn't as bad. You'll probably have a big bruise for a week or so, but I don't think you tore a muscles or broke anything."

"Now... Vee, can you lift his trikot up above his chest?"

The three of us exchanged a glance first before Vee stood up, walking around Mix and slowly lifted the fabrics off Mix' skin. I could feel myself gulping with every inch of his skin that got exposed, his slim but slightly muscular figure getting exposed.... but this wasn't excatly the right time to think about him looking attractive... he was hurt.

"I think... the reason why it hurts for you to sit up and breath is because of your ribs. Either you broke/ hurt one or your muscles around them got a little torn due to the punch", I muttered before sighing.

"I'll be fine without a doctor", Mix quickly sat and covered himself up again, but his face gave him away: he really was in pain. I couldn't even see him making the way back to his faculty on his own.

"Mix..." Vee slowly started and sat down next to him while placing a hand on his shoulder. "You are in pain... and your hand and chest really doesn't look good... please na."

It took a couple of minutes that Mix was contemplating about all of this, obviously not wanting to go to a doctor but feeling that both Vee and I were right about the need for a professional to look at him. Once he finally agreed, Vee and I changed back into our uniforms before helping Mix to get on my back.

"You can just lean your head against my shoulder... I'll try to walk careful so it won't hurt more", I whispered once I felt his weight on my back, carefully holding his legs and starting to move. He was lighter than I had imagined, maybe around 64kg... I should really try to make him eat a little more... and train him how to protect himself if something happens...

Vee was carrying our backpacks in the meantime while walking beside us, leaving the basketball hall and heading to the small school hospital that was situated at the faculty of medicine and psychology...




"Allright... I will have  alook at him, could you two wait outside in the meantime?"

Both Vee and I nodded, exchanging a glance with Mix before leaving the room and leaning against a wall outside in the corridor.

"So... tell me in detail what happened yesterday."

I sighed, looking at Vee for a moment before opening my lips.

"We had decided to do another switch... and went over to Mix' place after our lectures. And well Mix opened up the door but... it just felt as if something was off. You remmeber telling me about this smile thing? That fake smiles don't reach the person's eyes? Yea he looked like that."

Vee stayed silent, as if waiting to hear more.

"Well and right when we entered there was the sound of something falling and breaking and Mix hurried to the kitchen. He said to Nong Ming that he would take care of it and then Nong Ming came to us and soon after the two left. I went in the kitchen and could see Mix sitting there with a small cut on his finger and a drop of blood running down from it... so I told him i'll take care of it, picked everything up and than saw his condition... well you know the rest."

I turned around completely to Vee and observed his movements... he definitely seemed conflicted and a little angry, something I could understand in this situation. What was the right decision? Should we tell Mix about our supicion? But would he even believe us?

"I think... let's not tell him till we are really sure. Our suspicion is angerous and if it's wrong, it could not only harm our friendship with Mix... but I think we should be a little more careful... watch out that he isn't alone somewhere where he could get beaten up or harmed. I'll porbably convince Mix to sleep over at my apartment for the coming days..."

"You mind me joining the party?" I lifted an eyebrow and smiled, also getting up from my position against the wall.

"The more the merrier I guess."

It didn't take long after the end of our conversation for the door to open and we got a signal, that we could come back in. Mix had sprained his wrist, which was now bandaged up, as well as broken a rip... The doctor had decided to keep him here for 2-3 hours to have a look over him if he starts feeling nauseous because of the fall... but Mix would be able to go back home later today.

"Don't worry Earth, I'll stay with him", Vee said and placed a hand of my shoulder, I slowly nodded and  gave Mix a smile before walking to the door.

"Could you... um... look for Nong Ming and tell him about it? He normally doesn't answer his phone", Mix said before I could leave and I turned around again.

"Of course... don't worry, I'll take care of it. So please get some rest."

We smiled at each other for a moment before I excused myself and headed out... I was already a little too late for my lecture, but helping Mix out was definitely more important and... well our professor's tell-offs normally weren't that bad, as long as you only came too late once or twice.

What I was more struggeling with was Mix' request... I was really hoping that Nong Ming would come rushing to his side but... I don't know. There was this gut feeling I had... that this would take a turn I wouldn't like.

<< I can't believe I got this chapter done... I felt so unproductive hearing that everyone worked hard while I did basically nothing... I don't know I just can't get myself up and motivated these days...

I'm kinda thinking about switching to a 3rd Person writing style (he) instead of the first person... it would still be Earth's PoV, just the change... cause it just doesn't flow at all and I am really disliking this writing style....

Love, Ia ♡ >>

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