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Earth let out a soft sigh, massaging the brim of his nose while trying to focus on what exactly the professor was saying again but... he wasn't really successful again in pointing out what the topic was right now. Somewhere at the beginning of the architecture history lecture he had lost it and no matter how hard he tried focusing on the words... his brain was just not having it.

"Man why do you look like a panda?"

He raised his head a little to look over to his friend, letting out a soft yawn that his hand quickly covered up.


"You don't smell like alcohol, so you didn't drink but... damn you look really horrible , " his seating neighbour chuckled, looking for something in his backpack before handing over an energy drink, that Earth only could stare at.

"Are you having some issues? It's the second day that you look like this."

Earth only let out a soft sigh, glancing over to the professor before trying to open the drink as quietly as possible. Once he was successful, it didn't even take two minutes for him to finish the disgustingly sweet substance, his face grimacing due to the amount of sugar and chemicals. But well... maybe it would help.

"I broke up with Pan yesterday... , " Earth just mumbled and almost slapped himself the moment that he remembered who exactly was sitting next to him....

"YOU ... WHAT?"

The other spurted out suddenly and jumped on his legs... completely forgetting where exactly they currently were and the appropriate behaviour in those kinds of places.

"It's nice that you enjoy letting everyone know how shocked you are ... " A slightly angry voice let out, climbing the stairs in the lecture hall until she was standing right next to the two men and stared at Warut in anger... "If I catch you two having conversations again in my lecture... I will make you hold the lecture only with the printout and grade you on this."

Earth gulped, quickly putting his hands together and bowing to the professor for forgiveness, while the other one slowly sat down again and hung his head low in embarrassment. He kept his head that way until the woman had disappeared from their side again and continued the lecture, before glancing over to Earth slightly.

"You two broke up ? " He asked again, but this time whispering and made sure that the professor didn't catch him again this time.

"Yea... but if you ever jump up in a lecture again, I won't tell you anything."

Earth let out a soft sigh, staring down at the printout and then tried to follow the lecture a bit, at least for the last ten minutes of the lecture... but the moment the professor ended the lecture, his friend was sitting on hot stones again and ready to indulge Earth in a conversation again... for the better or the worst.

"But I'm glad... you know I always wanted to ask you why you picked someone who is not your type."

"My type ?" He slowly raised an eyebrow at the other, packing his things into the backpack and once they were done, both Warut and him slowly started heading out of the room. "Since when do I have a type?"

"Oh come on... even if it is just one thing they all have in common, it exists."

Earth couldn't help but stop when they walked out of the faculty building, turning to his side and crossing his arms. No matter how hard he tried thinking back to his exes, nothing in particular came to his mind that they shared. They had different genders, were different ages... not even their characteristics were the same. So what exactly was his type?

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