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Before Earth was even aware of his actions, he was already standing beside Mix and had placed his arm around the other's shoulders. It was almost as if his body had decided that the best place for him to be at right now, was next to Mix, trying to comfort him. He slowly helped him walk to the couch before setting him down between Vee and himself and softly caressing Mix' back.

"It's allright."

He didn't want to think about why exactly there was a sharp pain in his heart with every tear that escaped Mix' eyes... but there was. Earth just wanted to see his bright smile again, the way determination sparkled in those dark orbs whenever Mix' was trying hard to beat him in basketball... or the peaceful resting expression the other had while sleeping. Everything would have been better than seeing Mix cry.

Vee slowly came closer, extending his arm around Mix shoulder  before carefully removing the tears from the younger's face and giving him the time he needed to calm down.

"How... much did you hear of our conversation, Mix", the oldest asked softly and smiled a little before distancing himself again. He knew that he had to be careful when dealing with Mix emotions, especially when they were so closely related to the past.

"I heard... everything... from the moment that ... you closed the door to the bedroom", Mix whispered and took a few deep breaths to make his body relax and his heartbeat slow down. The painkillers helped enough to make breathing bearable again and evenleaning against the backrest  didn't increase the pain much.

"Are you still happy in your relationship with Nong Ming?"

Mix eyes dropped to look at the ground, while silence started to embrace the three young man. It wasn't the kind of comfortable silence when you just enjoyed time with someone... it was more like the moment before something bad happened in a horror movie.

"It's been difficult the past time...  it's just... we barely talk with each other unless it is necessary. I am left alone in my room most of the time and can hear how he and his... friends often just have sex in the hallway or living room... or in the kitchen. It just doesn't feel like the beginning, when his eyes were full of love for me... " he slowly stated, his voice growing a little more silent over time and he was fidgetting with the brim of his shirt.

Earth's hand slowly reached out, placing it on top of the smaller one and carefully rubbing his thumb over the back of Mix' hand. He could see that he had been suffering for a long time in the way he just accepted Ming's current behaviour and had gotten used to it... and Earth just wanted to make him feel better, even if it was just by showing that Mix wasn't alone in this. That he had support.

"When you are hurting this much Mix... why do you keep holding onto the relationship", he then asked carefully and Earth could see a reaction from both Vee and Mix, who were exchanging glances before growing silent.

It was almost as if all the heat and warmth had left the room, Earth's body shivering from the coldness and deep sadness that was radiating of the other two. This wasn't normally like them at all, they never went this gloomy, at least Earth hadn't seen them like this before... was there... something he didn't know of?

"I... met Nong Ming at a very dark time in my life... where every day felt too much to handle. When even leaving my room was a struggle... and even though Phi Vee tried his best to help me... I just couldn't. It was all too much. Too painful. " He made a small break and moved his head ot be able to lock eyes with Earth.

"And then Nong Ming approached me... he was so cheerful and happy... and he slowly broke down my walls and made me feel happy and loved again. It was almost as if he brought back the colours in my life and everything with him just seemed bright and happy... even the bad moments seemed bearable... He helped me so much back then and gave me such an amount of love and happiness, that... I can't just forget about all the good things he brought into my life just because it has been difficult for the past months... "

Vee slowly moved closer, wrapping his arms around Mix and hugged him, while being mindful of his injuries. A moment later, Earth also came closer and placed his arms around the two others softly, so that both Vee and Earth could hug Mix together and give him the feeling of warmth and comfort. They could feel their connecting point in the middle softening and relaxing in their arms, his head slowly leaning against Earth's shoulder and him closing his eyes.

"I would like to talk with him about our relationship... and if there is a chance I would like to work with Nong Ming on it, to be happy again. It might be true that he doesn't love me anymore... but I know that I withdrew myself from the relationship too, since starting university. I was just so busy wanting to get the scholarship and not bother my parents with my tuition... that I didn't have much time for him in the beginning. And I can understand he would want to look for someone who can give him the affection, I normally gave to him... "

"We will always be there at your side and support you... so don't worry", Vee whispered and  removed a strain of hair from Mix' forehead before smiling.

"So...now what do you think about getting some nice food? We could oder some fried chick..."

Mix sat up when feeling Earth's body moving... having sat up now again and the hug stopped, he could take a closer look at him...And once he did, Mix broke into loud laughter and started slapping his knees.

Earth sat there with an expression, eyes sparkling and his mouth watering from the thought of fried chicken. One of his favourites that he hadn't had in forever. For everyone else it looked more as if he had just gotten to know that he did not have to take a single exam in his whole bachelors degree. That was exactly the amount of happiness and bliss that could be found in Earth's face right now. And for Mix... it was what he needed. Seeing the other like this made him laugh, he wasn't sure why but all the sadness that had started wrapping his heart into paper, suddenly bursted and a warm feeling overcame him.

"Alright... i'm gonna go get it and you two stay here together..." Vee sighed and got up then, taking his phone and wallet before putting on shoes and heading out.

Mix still couldn't help but laugh, but slowly it grew more and more painful, which alarmed Earth and got him out of his trance.

"Try to take deep breaths... it's not good for your injuries to move that much", he said softly and put his arm around Mix' shoulder, trying to stop him from moving around so much. The other slowly nodded, taking deep breaths while closing his eyes. He had almost forgotten that laughing and moving his body too much would make the pain worse... well you can't always have your guard up right?

A couple of minutes later, Mix had calmed down but could still feel the muscular arm around his shoulders and turned a little to Earth, who was softly smiling at him. Unintentionally, his lips formed a smile too while looking at Earth.

"Why... why are you helping and looking out for me so much?" Mix asked silently and their eyes locked...

Both could feel their heartbeats increasing a little by their closeness, and the way they were glancing at each other.

"I want you to be happy."

<< Man guys, I went to bed this morning (right after uploading the chapter) and thought I would have till tonight to start writing on it... what happens? The votelimit is already achieved when I open my eyes 5,5h later... dang thats like 3 Chapters in 30h.. )

I am not complaining, I AM VERY VERY HAPPY. Period. 

Anywaaaayss.... do you guys thing they'll kiss??

Love you, Ia ♡♡ >>

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