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Jinsoul took a deep breath when she knew that she's already outside their fancy fence. She is dedicated, Jinsoul has already made the decisions, she'll talk to her father about Mihyun and the inheritance. This night must be the darkest night she could have, she will stand for her wants.

She parked her car and gathered up the courage to speak to her father.

When Jinsoul went out of her car, she's immediately being greeted by her family's butlers and surprisingly, she responded with a smile before finally going inside their house.

"Hey, did you saw that?" One of the butlers whispered to others.

"Sh-She smiled. That's so freaking strange." The other said.

"I've been here for 5 years and this is the first time I saw that girl smile." One of them stated while still having his dumbfounded face.


"Oh, Jinsoul, have you eaten yet?" A maid asked her. They literally not expecting any response from Jinsoul because that's what it takes no matter what but, "Ah not yet, but where's dad? I wanted to talk to him." She spoke.

That maid's eyes are wide opened until she made up her mind and answered, "He's- He's in his office room." Then Jinsoul smiled before going upstairs.

Jinsoul knocked several times before opening the door. She's anxious, her heart is about to go outside her chest if she will not going to handle this nervousness. Jinsoul is not used to asked her father when it comes to things that she really like or want. She's that "go-with-the-flow" type of child and maybe that's the main reason she's so nervous and acting so weird.

"D-Dad, I wanted to talk to you." She stutters while still standing by the door.

"Jinsoul?" Her dad turned his head before looking at his daughter, 'Oh why, this is strange.' he thought.

Jinsoul decided to take a last deep breath before finally saying, "It's about Mihyun and the inheritance."

"Again? Jeong Jinsoul, again?" Her dad just scoffed.

"Dad, I need you to understand everything." She said with an obvious eagerness.

Mr. Jung blankly looked at his daughter but he suddenly noticed something. He saw genuineness and sincerity.

'This is the first time Jinsoul asked something from me.'

"I love her, so much. She's the only one who made me feel this kind of love. Dad, please, just let me love her and I'll take care of our family businesses, I promise." Jinsoul went near to her father.

Jinsoul's dad is still staring at her while she's looking at him with a pleading eyes. They stayed like that for a minute before her dad shrugged his head.

That's when Jinsoul started to tear up. She just wiped those tears with her hoodie's sleeve, then she leave her father's office room. But-


She's stopped by her dad's voice, calling her.

"Just make sure to talk to Sakura and her family."

Jinsoul turned around facing her father with a questioning face.

"Tell them that you already love somebody. And bring Mihyun here tomorrow night for a family dinner."

That statement made her ran to trap him into a tight hug.


Jinsoul is now on their couch with her earphones on when someone came in and went beside her.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋'𝐒 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 » JINSOUL ✔Where stories live. Discover now