Chapter 1

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Lee Residents... 10:45pm

" Your Worthless! " Sunny's Aunt Alice Yelled And Slapped Sunny Very hard,Making the Short Girl tumble to thw floor.

Sunny Cried by the pain.Her Relatives are brutal towards her.

"Serves you right,Peepsqueak!" Donghae Said while chowing Down on chips.

Her Aunt and Cousin Left her and went to the living room to watch Some Shows On the Television.

Sunny Grab A broom and sweeps the broken Wine glass That She Accidentally Dropped.

" Hoot. " An Owl Sound From The Outside Hooted

Sunny Was Alarmed Becausr Her Aunt And Uncle Hates Animals Around Their home.

Sunny quickly went Out.

"Snow! I told you not to go Out!" Sunny Scolded Her pet Owl.She Quickly went in Tothe kitchen hid her pet under the sink.

"Be quiet,Okay?" Sunny said to her owl and petted its head.

Sunny Continued her cleaning Until another Hoot.She Got startled and looked at the kitchen window..  It Was A Brown Owl owned by Kim Hyoyeon And Kim TaeYeon.

She Smiled and Her two Dorky Friends Appeared by the Window with a Letter By their Hands.

Sunny Lit up by her Excitement, Knowing what event is happening.

"Psst, Sunny! Hurry!" Hyoyeon Whispered.

"Yeah yeah! What about my Things Upstairs?"Sunny Asked while Quietly getting out from the back.

"Already In The Trunk,Now Lets Go!"Kim TaeYeon said.

"Hey Pu--" Donghae's Voice was Cut off and Alarming Hyoyeon,TaeYeon and Sunny and quickly Looked Back.

"Oh Dang." Hyoyeon said in a whispered tone.

"Moom! DAAD!" Danghae Called Her Parents.

Sunny's Aunt And Uncle Entered the kitchen Room and saw Sunny was About To Leave.

"Where do you think Your Going?!" Sunny's Uncle Grabbed Her Wrist and pulling her away from her Two Friends.

"I Had Enough Of You!" Sunny Yelled And Shaked Her Uncles Hands off her Wrist.

"Dont Raise Your tone On Me,Young Lady!"Uncle Taemin Yelled.

"I Have My Rights To Raise my voice!"Sunny Backfired.

While Having A fight, A Black Gust from Outside Went in, Making The People Scared and Having Wounds From the Gust.

" Three... " The Black Gust Said. Sunny Her two friends are shielding themselves.

"AAHHHH!!!!" Sunny's Uncle and Aunt Screamed.

"S-sunny!" Taeyeon said handing Over the Wand, Sunny Grabbed the Wand.

Sunny,TaeYeon and HyoYeon Pounted their Wands at The Black Gust.Sunny's Relatives Looked at them.

" Azu..muyri..reyu! " They said and a Light from  their wands appeared making the black gust disappeared.

After The Spell casted,Red- Orange Light was Around The Three Friends appeared.

They looked at each other, They Got Shock.

"M-Monsters!" Aunt Alice Yelled in fear.

The three Was In fear too,Making them go to TaeYeon's Car.

"Hurry!"Hyoyeon Said In Nervousness and fear.

The Engine started and they fly off. TaeYeon Activated the Cloaking ao They wont be seen by Humans.And She Activated The 'Hummingbird'.

They Just Kept Quiet for Minutes.

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