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Kim Residents 2:10am

Sunny Closed her eyes...HyoYeon Looked at Her,So did Taeyeon..

"Please im not crazy.... Our eyes..Are they Red-Orange In Color? Please tell me..." Sunny Asked like she's Scared to know the truth....

"In a Bad Way,Sunny-ssi.... Yes.. We have them."TaeYeon said.

Sunny opened her eyes and looked at The mirror.Taeyeon and Hyoyeon are Looking At the Mirror too.

"What Happened To Us?" Hyoyeon Asked.

No one answered her Question,Until they heared a Knock on Taeyeon's Bedroom door.

"Taeyeon?"her mother Asked From the Other side. TaeYeon quickly Grabbed a Pair of Black Sunglasses and wore it.

She opened the Door and saw her mother

"Why are You Wearing Sunglasses,Tae?"  her mother asked.

"I-umm... Mom.." Taeyeon said as she took off her Sunglasses..

"oh.. Your wearing Contacts now? I got worried I thought your eyes change color or something." Taeyeon's mom said.

"Wh- I..  Yeah! Like it mom? Hyo and Sunny has them too!" Taeyeon said.

Sunny and Hyoyeon smiled forcefully.

"Kids These days... Okay you need to get some sleep. Tomorrow your heading to SMHogwarts." Taeyeon's mom said.

"Okay,Mom!" Taeyeon said. Her Mom Said Her Goodnights To The Kids.

The Three Friends went to bed.

"Guys.. What is that Black Gust that Entered Auntie's Kitchen?" Sunny Asked.

"I dont know,Sunny.." Taeyeon said.

"Let's not Think About it now.. We have a big day later." Hyoyeon said.

They agreed and They fell asleep very quick ...

As they Dont Know , They are not the only ones having this kind of  Problem..

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