Chapter 4

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"So let me Guess... Black Gust?" The Tanned girl asked.

"Yep.." Sunny answered.

"Oh im sorry... Im Kwon Yuri." The tanned Girl said.

" I'm Jung Jessica."The Girl with a Blonde hair said.

"I'M Im Yoona." The girl wearinf A yellow scarf said.

"I'm Hwang Miyoung But This Girl Call me Tiffany."The Girl with a eye smile painted on her face.

"I'm SeoJuHyun,But This Dork Call me SeoHyun." The Girl who has a Perfectly Wavy Hair said.

"Im The Dork,No! I MEAN Im Choi SooYoung,Nice to meet you" The girl with a short Cut hair said.

"Hello, Im Kim TaeYeon.." Taeyeon Said.

"Im Kim Hyoyeon" Hyoyeon Said Bowing.

"Im Lee SoonKyu known as Lee Sunny." Sunny said."And Nice too Meet you guys Too.."

"We dont Have a Clue Why we Have These Eyes... Its Creeping me out.." Yoona Said..

"Us too.. It all happened when will Vanished the Black Gust.." Sunny said.

"Every Eyes are On Us When we are At The Train station.. Our Parents Asked if were Using Contacts.."Jessica said.

"Ours Too!" The Other Girls said..

"How? Its Like... We Have a Connection on something..." Taeyeon said Figuring it..

So They Chatted For some Minutes Till The Train Stopped....

"Wh-what? Are we Here?" Sunny Asked...

"No... Were still at The Bridge..." SooYoung Said While Looking Out the Window...

They felt a Cold Chill on their skin..

"Is the Door shut Properly?" Jessica Asked Yuri.

Yuri Looked and tried To open the door.

She tried many times...

"It wont Open!" Yuri said while Opened the Sliding door..

SooYoung Is Looking out And a Black Gust Zoomed Very Fast..

"Woah!" SooYoung Said Making Her Backing Up...

"W-what?" Sunny asked..

"I-its The Black Gust!" SooYoung Said.

"Thats Impossible!" Tiffany said.

Then outside of Their Stall a Black Figure that is Floating appeared. Making Yuri and Jessica Backed Up...

The sliding door Opened Very easily.. The girls are In fear.. The Black Figure opened Its Mouth and Sucks the Life out of Them..

" Azu..Meyri..Reyu!! " A White Light Came From The door a Man holding a Wand said.

The Black Figure Disappeared.. While Yuri And the Others Are catching Their Breath..

"Are You Kids Alright?" The Man Said.

They Just Nodd..

When they looked at the Man.. The Man quickly Shut the door.

'Its Them.. The chosen ones' He Thought.

The Train Begun To Move forward..

The Man Sat down next To Sunny..

"Here,Eat This.." The Man Said and Handed Nine Bars Of Chocolate.

"Im Taecyeon" The Man Introduced Himself.The Girls ate The Chocolate Bars.

"You Kids Take A rest.. Ill wake You Up When We arrived.."Taecyeon said.

"Okay,sir.. Thank you.." SeoHyun Said.

They fell Asleep..

3 Hours later...

The Train Stopped at The SMHogwarts Station..

"Hey Kids.. Wake Up.." Taecyeon Said.

Each of them woke up but not Taeyeon and Jessica..

"Not this Again,TaeYeon.." Sunny said.

"Ugh.. Jessica You Sleepy head.." Yuri Groaned.

Sunny was About to Do TaeYeon's Mom Routine to Wake Her up but Hyoyeon stopped her.

"Let me do This." She said. Hyoyeon Quickly got in position. And Begun to tickle TaeYeon's Side.Then the Sleepy Taeyeon Bursted Out with laughter.

Yoona And The Other's Looked at Three in a Amused faced.

"I bet Theyre Fun To Be With." Yoona said to the others.

"Yeah, Just by looking at them." SooYoung Agreed.

But on the other hand, Yuri Has No Choice but to Carry Jessica.

"Cmon Kids.. Hurry!" Taecyeon said.

They quickly exited the stall.

At the SMHogwarts premises..

All of the StudentsWizards are now Infront of The School..Many StudentsWizards are Looking At Yuri's Group..

"What freaks.." A student said..

"You've Said It."Another one said.

Many Whispered like that to them.. They Tried to ignore it..

"Attention!  Attention! We are now Gonna Announce your team/Section now." Said The Speaker..

All the students paid attention.

"Gryffindor :Blah blah,Blah blah,KimTaeYeon,Blah blah,Lee SoonKyu,Kim Hyoyeon,Blah Blah,Blah Blah,Blah Blah,Liu Amber,Etc." The speaker announced.

Hyoyeon and the others are following the Respective line Of the Gryffindor.

"Next is Hufflepuff: Blah blah,Im Yoona,Blah Blah,Blah Blah,Hwang Tiffany,Blah Blah,Im Jung Hana, blah blah.. Etc"

Im Yoona and Tiffany Hwang went to the Hufflepuff Line.

"Next is Slytherine : Blah Blah, Blah Blah, Jung Jessica,Kwon Yuri,Blah Blah, Jung Krystal,Kim Joanne,Blah Blah."

Yuri Grunted Cause Jessica Isnt  Awake Yet

And she headed to the line of Slytherine..

"Last is RavenClaw: Choi SooYoung,Blah blah,SeoJuhyun,Choi HaeRin,Blah Blah, Blah Blah.."

The last Team\Section The speaker announced.Then The Speaker Said Follow the Teacher Infront Of their Section

Gryffindor First Move,Then Hufflepuff,Then Slytherine and last RavenClaw.

The Nine Girls Will Encounter Five Unique students...

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