Again attacked

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Gabriella stands up and goes to the dancing squad!
Gabriella rolls her eyes and enjoys the loud music and lightings!this is what she need to enjoy the life!
Gabriella starts to dance!suddenly she bumps with davina!
Davina turns around.
"Ella!"davina said"in surprising tone!
Gabriella said"um-sorry i bumped with you!
Davina said"Thats okeay!well ella you are a party lover right?
Gabriella said"Yeah!Iam.
Davina said"How your way crossed with jack?I-mean iam sure you arent from vegas!
Gabriella said"Yeah you are right!Iam from austrailia!
Davina said"Oh!do you want to explore the club?there is a V.I.P zone on upstair!
Gabriella said"well lets go!
Gabriella and davina went to the upstair.they entered in the v.i.p zone!
Gabriella rolled her eyes.gabriella thought this zone is more gorgeouse!The whole club is lit!!
Davina and gabriella sits together.davina orderd a speacial cocktail for gabriella.
Davina said"So why you came vegas?
Gabriella said"For celebrate holidays!!
Davina said"And then fallen in love with a nighthunter?
Gabriella said"No!actually iam not his girlfriend!The night i visited vegas i was attacked by a feral.jack is protecting me!
Davina said"Oh!ferals sounds dangerouse! I was also wondering how a girl like you can be jack's girlfriend! Jack is useless.
Gabriella said"Not at all!The guy you are calling useless he saved my life!
Davina said"Well.everyones point of view isnt same!
Gabriella said"I gotta go now!Jack must be finding me.

Gabriella gets out of there.
mockingly gabriella said"huh!davina thinks she is very smart and clever!dumboo,fool!How can someone broke up with such a deadly handsome guy!jack's personality is also very nice!

Gabriella saw jack is standing front of her.A fiercy expression visible on his face!
Jack said"Where were you was?we were dying by finding you!like we came here to find you not diana!
Gabriella said"Jack!dont be angry!Iam here now lets go!
Jack said"Are you alright?
Gabriella said"Yeah iam fine!
Jack and gabriella follows adam!
They entered in a secret hall!
Adam saw diana is front of him!
Four people were there.two of them are werewolfs.
They were talking about a deal about selling diana!
Adam rushes towards diana!
Diana said"Adam!save me from them!
One of the wolfs said"Wait!what?how they came inside!what the hell!
"Attack them"another wolf said,in commanding tone!
The two wolf shift to their wolf form!
Adam also shift in his wolf form.
When adam was fighting with them.
Jack was also fights with the other two mens.

Gabriella rushes towards diana and said" Lets go from here!
Diana runs with gabriella and they waits in the gate of club supremo.
Adam almost killed those two wolfs!
Adam asked"What you was doing?you guys were selling my mate?tell me who is behind all of these?
One of the wolfs said"We-are a gang!we kidnap some weak wolfs and sell them as a slave.thats how we make money.
Jack said"Lets get out from here now!

Jack and adam also gets out from the club.
All of them piles into jacks car.
Jacks starts to drive the car.
Adam hugged diana!both of them become emotional.
Adam said"Are you okeay?iam so sorry!I took time to rescue you.
Diana said"No thats okeay!Iam fine!Iam better now cause iam in your arms!
Gabriella and jack feels happy for them.
Finally they reached near adam's house.
All of them gets inside adam's house.
It was late night and everyone was tired!
Adam and diana sleeps in their room.
Gabriella sleeps on the other room and jack fallen asleep on the sofa.

The sun rays gets inside of the house through the window!
Jack wakes up and saw he is lying on the sofa!his back is aching.
Adam said"hey dude!sorry for this trouble!
Jack said"No thats fine! I was so tired so fallen asleep.
Gabriella gets out of the room.
Gabriella said"Hey jack!so you are also awake!
Jack said"Yeah!
Gabriella said to adam"How is diana now? I hope she is okeay!
Adam said"She is fine!she just need some rest! you guys dont know that diana isnt like other werewolfs!she is weak and most of the time she keeps sick.
Jack said"Thats why they targetted diana!they said they kidnap the weak werewolfs cause they wont able to fight!
Gabriella said"um-we should go now!
Jack said"Yeah!so adam hand us the huntersage!
Adam said"Yeah!
Adam gives the huntersage to jack!
Gabriella said"yayy!we got that!
Gabriella kissed jack's cheek!
Jack smiled and pretends that he is removing dust from his jacket.
Jack said"Ella lets go now!thanks to you adam!
Gabriella and jack gets out from adam's house.
Jack said"Will you like to hangout with me?
Gabriella said"Any club or bar?
Jack said"No! A place with natural beauty!free from all those loud music and noise!
Gabriella said"Sounds refreshing!
Jack said"Yeah!
Jack and gabriella gets in the car.
After an hour they reached to that place!
Its a beautiful place! surrounded with tress! There is a very beautiful pound!waterlilly's are floating in the pound!
There is also a tiny bench!
Gabriella said"Wow!!this place is very beautiful!
Jack said"Lets sit on that bench!
Gabriella smiled and follows jack!They sat on that bench!
Jack said"Its my favourite place!
Gabriella said"This place is worth to be favourite!
Gabriella noticed jack is sitting silently!Like he is thinking something!he looks a little sad!
Gabriella put her hand on jack's hand!
Jack said"What happend rookie?
Gabriella said"I want to know what happened to you?what are you thinking?Iam your friend now you can tell me!maybe you are thinking i wont undrestand your feelings cause i dont know anything without club and parties but trust me iam a good listener!
Jack smiled and said"Hm-nothing like this!rookie do you have a family?is your parents are alive?
Gabriella said"um-i-iam adopted.i dont know who are my real parents! I learned that my real parents are dead.

Jack said"Iam so sorry.who told you that you're real parents are dead?

Gabriella said"My mom-dad.they arent sure about that. I-mean they are sure that my real mom is dead but they dont know anything about my real father.what about you're parents jack?
Jack said"They are no more in the world.When i was of only 10 few monstrous creature killed them.
Gabriella said"Oh your parents were killed by supernatural creatures?
Jack said" lets go from here.
Gabriella said"Well!lets go.
Gabriella and jack gets into the car.
And soon they reached to the apartment.
Jack and gabriella gets inside of jack's flat.
After taking their lunch they takes some rest.
In the evening jack wakes up and called gabriella from sleep.
Jack goes to her room.
"Wake up ella! We are going to the bar" jack uttered"
Gabriella jumpes out from her bed.
Gabriella said"What?what happend??
Jack said"Nothing!relax! I was just telling you we are going to adam's place!Adam and diana has invited us for dinner!
Gabriella said"Oh!well then iam getting ready!
Jack gets out from gabriella's room.
Gabriella gets ready soon!she wears a sky blue dress which is reaching to her knees.The neck is designed in v line. The satine dress is worked with pearls and a white waist belt makes the dress more beautiful!
Gabriella let her hairs open and wears her white heals!
When gabriella gets out from her room jack's jaw dropped!
Jack said"You-are-looking gorgeouse!but we arent going to attend a party or any speacial occasion!we are just going to adam's house.
Gabriella said"So what? I havent dressed beautifully since 4 days!
Jack chuckled and said" just 4 days?
Gabriella said"Lets go now!
Jack and gabriella gets out from the apartment.
Jack and gabriella gets into the car and soon they reached near adam's house!
Gabriella and jack gets inside of adams house.
Adam and diana welcomes them.
Adam said"Hii guys!
Jack said"Hello!
Diana said"Lets sit together.
All of them sits together and talks about different topics.
After a while diana serves the dinner to them.
Diana said"The dinner is ready!
Gabriella said"Why you trouble so much for us?you need rest diana!
Diana said"No!thats my pleasure.
All of them sits together and finished their dinner.
Adam said"We have a garden behind of our house maybe we sit there and drink some coffee!
Jack said"Thats great!
Jack and gabriella followed adam to the garden.
Diana was making coffee for them.
All of them sits together in the fresh air.
Suddenly jack noticed a weird sound!
Gabriella screamed and pointed on something.
Jack and adam also noticed some creatures are coming towards them!!
Jack said"Ferals!oh my gosh!
Gabriella said"Jack!jack save me!
Jack said"Nothing will happen to you! I promise.
Jack holds his crossbrow.adam shifts in his wolf form.
Four ferals was coming in a row.
Jack start to utter spells.He attacks on a feral by using his magic ring and spells.
The feral become wounded and falls in the ground.
Rest of three ferals become more furiouse and start to surrounding them.
Gabriella said"Jack lets run!they have sorrounded us!they will kill us!
Adam tries to attack on the ferals but the ferals tried to bite adam.
Adam backs up!
Gabriella starts to feel dizzy.
Jack said"Ella!be strong! I wont let them harm you!never.
Jack grabs his holy light arrow and attacked on a feral.meanwhile one of the feral died!
Rest of the ferals comes more closer.
In the meantime davian comes there.
Davina said"Heya!ugly creatures!!
Gabriella said"Davina!

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