Season 1 Episode 5 - Hunter

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Dean saved Deanna and rushed her to hospital.
Deanna showed no fear towards the demon.
Dean and Nicole and Bobby worried for Deanna.

Dean and Nicole and Bobby are sitting in the waiting room and Dean is pacing up and down anxiously when a Doctor holding a clipboard calls out "Deanna Andrews?" Dean looks up to the Doctor and he rushes to the Doctor and says "How is she?" The Doc...

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Dean and Nicole and Bobby are sitting in the waiting room and Dean is pacing up and down anxiously when a Doctor holding a clipboard calls out "Deanna Andrews?" Dean looks up to the Doctor and he rushes to the Doctor and says "How is she?" The Doctor looks to Dean suspiciously and Dean replies "I'm her Brother!" The Doctor nods and says "She's badly beaten she has broken ribs but she's alive but we ran some tests and it appears that she hasn't been taking her heart medication" and Dean shakes his head and says "What do you mean?" The Doctor replies "Well as you know Deanna has a heart defect and she needs that medication but she has missed a few dosages" and Dean shakes his head and says "But is she okay? When can I see her?" The Doctor politely smiles and says "You can go ahead and see her but she's in alot of pain. She's in room 2210 ward 12" and Dean nods.

Dean walks into Deanna's hospital room to see Deanna fast asleep inside the hospital bed and Dean sadly looks to Deanna as he walks inside the room and closes the door behind him

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Dean walks into Deanna's hospital room to see Deanna fast asleep inside the hospital bed and Dean sadly looks to Deanna as he walks inside the room and closes the door behind him. Dean sits on the bedside chair and looks at her bruised knuckles and Dean looks up at Deanna and says with tears in his eyes "Look at you, your poor face...what did that sick son of a bitch do to you? I'm sorry Annie, this is my fault...I'm your Big Brother I should have protected you, Dad left me in charge and I got you hurt but I swear nobody will hurt you" and he cries.

Later that day Dean is sitting beside Deanna's bedside along with Nicole and Nicole is fast asleep and Deanna's finger twitches and Deanna's eyes flicker open and Dean looks to Deanna and asks "Annie?" Deanna looks to Dean and she frantically look...

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Later that day Dean is sitting beside Deanna's bedside along with Nicole and Nicole is fast asleep and Deanna's finger twitches and Deanna's eyes flicker open and Dean looks to Deanna and asks "Annie?" Deanna looks to Dean and she frantically looks around and Dean says "Its okay, you're safe you're in hospital" Deanna looks to Dean and she says "I'm sorry" Dean asks "Sorry? Sorry for what?" Deanna says "I let you down, getting took by a demon. I should have known better" and Dean shakes his head and says "No you listen to me never apologise're scared Its okay i understand" and Deanna shakes her head and Dean wraps his arms around her and engulfs her into a hug.

Later that day Deanna is sitting up in bed when Nicole and Bobby walk in the hospital room and Nicole face falls in relief as she approaches Deanna and engulfs her in a hug and Deanna grimaces in pain and Nicole says "Sorry"

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Later that day Deanna is sitting up in bed when Nicole and Bobby walk in the hospital room and Nicole face falls in relief as she approaches Deanna and engulfs her in a hug and Deanna grimaces in pain and Nicole says "Sorry". Deanna smiles and says "Its alright" Bobby says "How you doing Kid?" Deanna looks to Bobby and says "Yeah, alright" and Bobby asks "You sure? You took one hell of a beating" and Deanna smiles softly and says "I'm still breathing aren't I? That demon won't know whats hit him, I'm gonna kill it" and Bobby nods as Dean says "You got that right, I'm gonna tear its lungs out!" Nicole looks to Deanna and says "Y'know this would never have happened if you weren't in this life" and Deanna shakes her head and says "Dont start okay" Nicole says "Look at you! You're in hospital what needs to happen for you to quit? You might no be so lucky next time!" Bobby says "C'mon Nicole thats enough" and Deanna looks to Nicole and says "I'm a hunter Nicole and I always will be a hunter no matter the hurt or the consequences it may have.. I save people, what I do has a purpose its just a few bruises I'm already over it you gotta get over it too!" Nicole says "and thats another thing Where's John? His precious babygirl has been hurt and if he cared that much about you he would have been by your bedside by now!" Deanba slaps Nicole's face and Dean and Bobby look taken back and Deanna points a finger in Nicole's face and shouts "Don't you dare! You're way outta line" and Nicole storms out of the room. Deanna deeply sighs and Bobby says "I said to Dean that you both could stay at mines for a few days until you recover" and Deanna nods and says "Thank you Bobby" and Bobby says "Yeah no worries Kid, but I better get back to Nicole and check if she's alright" and Deanna says "She would have been alright if she kept her mouth shut" and Bobby nods and he walks out of the hospital room and Dean looks to Deanna.

Its late at night and Deanna is in the hospital alone as visiting times are over and she is sitting in bed contemplating and she takes out her cell phone and dials a number and presses the cell phone to her ear and a moment later it goes to John's...

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Its late at night and Deanna is in the hospital alone as visiting times are over and she is sitting in bed contemplating and she takes out her cell phone and dials a number and presses the cell phone to her ear and a moment later it goes to John's voicemail and she rolls her eyes and says "Hey Dad its me, its just to let you know I'm okay i don't know if you got Dean's messages but something happened with a demon but I'm alright. Dad if you could call or text me just to let me and Dean know if you're okay we're worried I love you Dad" and she hangs up the call.

Deanna calls Sam.
Dean quizzes Deanna.
Nicole rants to Bobby.

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