Season 1 Episode 13 - Losing Hope

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Deanna and Dean tracked down Sam as they reunited and went on the road to find their Father.
Robbie rejected Nicole.
Dean questioned Deanna on her thoughts of Robbie.

Dean is driving the impala with Sam in the passenger side and Deanna laying down on the backseat asleep

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Dean is driving the impala with Sam in the passenger side and Deanna laying down on the backseat asleep. Sam asks "So Dad? What's the script? When was the last time you saw him?" Dean glances back to Deanna who has her eyes shut and says "Last I saw him was a few weeks back, he's not called or text or nothing. He was on a hunt in this town" Sam asks "What was the job?" Dean replies "One nasty Spirit" and Sam nods and says "Well we should finish the hunt, maybe it will lead us straight to him" and Dean nods and Deanna's eyes are wide open as she eavesdropped on her Brothers conversation.

Robbie is sitting in Bobby's kitchen smoking a cigarette as he stares at his cellphone when Bobby walks in and looks to his Nephew

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Robbie is sitting in Bobby's kitchen smoking a cigarette as he stares at his cellphone when Bobby walks in and looks to his Nephew. Robbie looks up to Bobby and says "Hey Uncle Bobby" and Bobby smiles and says "You expecting a phonecall?" Robbie shakes his head and says "Nah I'm being stupid" and Bobby sits down at the table along with Robbie and says "Whats going on kid?'' Robbie says "I thought Deanna would have called me" Bobby says "Give her a break Robbie, she's got a lot on her mind at the minute....why don't you call her?" Robbie says "Nah I'll look desperate" Bobby chuckles and says "You won't,not if you're just checking in" and Robbie looks at Bobby and smirks.

Dean and Sam and Deanna walk into the motel reception as they look around the empty room

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Dean and Sam and Deanna walk into the motel reception as they look around the empty room. Dean says "Ah c'mon where is everybody?". Deanna walks towards the desk and rapidly knocks on the desk and shouts "Hey! Customers waiting out here!" Dean chuckles as Sam scolds Deanna and says "Anne you cant do that!" Deanna looks back to Sam and says "Who can't?". A moment later a man walks out and Deanna stops knocking and he says "Thank God you stopped, that was annoying" and Deanna says "Well I wouldn't have had to do that if you were up at the desk" and the man glares to Deanna and smirks and says "Feisty one you are, what you doing later?" Deanna rolls her eyes as Dean steps in front of Deanna and says "Hey that's enough, back off"  the man asks "and who are you?" Dean glares to the man and Sam steps forward and says "We're her Brothers, so back off" and Deanna smirks with a eye roll. Dean says "We want a room" and The man nods and asks "Cash or card?" Dean takes out his wallet and says "Card". The man nods as Dean takes out one of the fake debit cards and the man takes the card from Dean and glances up to The Winchesters and asks "Smith? What you having a family vacation or something?" Sam asks "What are you talking about?" The nan replies "Another guy booked a room the other week, Travis Smith Older guy" Deanna looks to Dean and Sam and mutters with a hopeful smile "Dad?".

 The man nods as Dean takes out one of the fake debit cards and the man takes the card from Dean and glances up to The Winchesters and asks "Smith? What you having a family vacation or something?" Sam asks "What are you talking about?" The nan rep...

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Nicole is in her bedroom when there's a light knock on her opened bedroom door. Nicole looks towards the door and acknowledges Callum standing at the doorway and she says "Hey?" Callum smiles "Hey, I just thought I'd check in on you doing?" Nicole nods and says "I'm okay". Callum walks into her bedroom and says "Y'know I hope you don't think I'm talking out of turn here, and I know she's your Sister well adopted Sister but it's not all about her" Nicole looks down and Callum says "What about you? You've been through shit too, sorry I've went too far". Nicole looks down at the floor and Callum asks "Has Deanna called you yet?" Nicole shakes her head and Callum asks in disbelief "No? I'm sorry but that's terrible, she should be keeping in touch with you" and Callum shakes his head and walks out of his bedroom.

Dean and Sam and Deanna are all standing on the porch of the motel as The Winchesters are standing outside John's motel room and Deanna is knelt down in front of the door picking the lock as Dean and Sam are standing around Deanna to hide her

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Dean and Sam and Deanna are all standing on the porch of the motel as The Winchesters are standing outside John's motel room and Deanna is knelt down in front of the door picking the lock as Dean and Sam are standing around Deanna to hide her. Dean says quietly "Hurry up Annie" and Deanna replies "Gimme a minute!". When suddenly Deanna grins and she stands up says "In we go Boys" and Deanna opens the door and walks in and looks around as does Dean and Sam and Deanna suddenly looks saddened "He isn't here?" Sam says "What did you expect? It's Dad" and Dean glares towards Sam and says "Thanks for the vote of confidence" and Deanna storms out of the room.

Back at Bobby's Robbie sits on the edge of his bed and he stares at his cellphone and he flips open the cellphone and dials Deanna's number and presses the cellphone to his ear

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Back at Bobby's Robbie sits on the edge of his bed and he stares at his cellphone and he flips open the cellphone and dials Deanna's number and presses the cellphone to his ear. After a few rings the line picks up and Deanna answers "Hello?" Robbie smiles and says "Hey you, it's Robbie" and Deanna says "Yeah well I know that voice anywhere" and Robbie laughs and says ''Well I'm flattered". Deanna smirks and she looks back to Dean and Sam and Robbie continues "Did you catch up with your Brother?" Deanna replies "Yeah we got him, he's with us now we'll until Monday" and Robbie smiles and says "Thats good, at least you're all together. Still no joy of finding your Old Man?" Deanna looks down and says "Nah but we're gonna find him, I'm not losing hope" and Robbie says "You'll find him, don't worry" and Deanna says "I know that Robbie, but I've gotta go Dean's gonna get takeout" and Robbie says "Yeah thats fine, I'll talk to you later. Don't be a stranger" and Deanna says "Don't worry I won't speak soon" and Deanna hangs up the phonecall.

This is the end of The Baby Winchester Season 1. But I will be writing The Baby Winchester Season 2, Will Dean and Deanna and Sam find their missing Father? As Robbie and Deanna get close there's a shock in store.

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