Season 1 Episode 12 - Hunting Trip

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Dean and Deanna left Bobby's as Dean wanted to see Sam.
Deanna said goodbye to Robbie and Nicole.
Robbie gave Deanna his number.
Dean met Robbie and they locked heads.

Dean is driving his car down the highway when he glances to Deanna who is staring out of the car blasting 'Die, Die My Darling - Metalicca' from the car stereo when he turns the heavy metal music down and Deanna says ''Hey! I was listening to that...

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Dean is driving his car down the highway when he glances to Deanna who is staring out of the car blasting 'Die, Die My Darling - Metalicca' from the car stereo when he turns the heavy metal music down and Deanna says ''Hey! I was listening to that!"  Dean says "Sorry Anklebiter, but you've hardly said two words since we left Bobby's" and Deanna replies "I'm just thinking about Dad and Sammy and how things were before" and Dean nods his head and says as he focuses on the road "I think about that all the time". Dean glances to Deanna and asks "So Robbie huh? What do ya think about him?" Deanna replies "He's alright I guess" and Dean asks "Do you like him?" Deanna rolls her eyes and says "I'm not going into it with you" and Dean asks "What does that mean?" Deanna looks to Dean and says "To the overprotective big Brother" and Dean chuckles and says "Hey! I'm just doing my job Sis" and Deanna chuckles.

Back at Bobby's Robbie is in the kitchen eating a sandwich as he is sitting at the kitchen table when Nicole walks in and grins as she sees Robbie

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Back at Bobby's Robbie is in the kitchen eating a sandwich as he is sitting at the kitchen table when Nicole walks in and grins as she sees Robbie. "Hey Rob" and Robbie says "Its Robbie" and Nicole awkwardly smiles and says "Right, sorry" and Robbie nods as he says "Its alright". Nicole sits at the table beside Robbie and stares at Robbie and Robbie asks "Can I help you? It's just your staring" and Nicole says "Oh am I? Sorry" and she leans in towards Robbie to kiss him but Robbie stands up away from Nicole and says "Woah, what are ya doing?" Nicole says "Haven't you been getting the signals I've been hinting to you? I like you" and Robbie sadly looks to Nicole and says "I'm sorry but I just don't like you, not in that way...I like someone else" and Nicole looks down and asks "Who? it Deanna?" Robbie looks down and Nicole stands up and says "It's always Deanna!" and she marches off out of the house and Robbie sighs. 

It's late at night and Sam Winchester and Jessica are laying in bed when there's a clatter and Sam immediately wakes up and looks to Jessica and sneakily gets out of bed as to not wake his girlfriend

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It's late at night and Sam Winchester and Jessica are laying in bed when there's a clatter and Sam immediately wakes up and looks to Jessica and sneakily gets out of bed as to not wake his girlfriend. Sam walks out of his bedroom and looks around in the darkness when suddenly Sam is tackled to the floor and Sam tries to fight back but his arms is pinned to the floor and Dean hovers above Sam and chuckles and says "You've lost your touch little brother" and Sam stops struggling and looks up to Dean and asks in shock "Dean?" and Dean chuckles and Sam says "Get off me man!". As Dean gets off Sam and they both stand up the light turns on and they both look to Jessica who stares at the Brothers "Sam, whats going on?".

Sam smiles to Jessica and says "Jess, this is my Brother Dean" and Sam approaches Jessica and Dean grins at Jessica and says "Hey Jessica it's nice to meet you but I gotta take Sammy away for a bit" and Sam asks "Dean what are you talking about?" ...

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Sam smiles to Jessica and says "Jess, this is my Brother Dean" and Sam approaches Jessica and Dean grins at Jessica and says "Hey Jessica it's nice to meet you but I gotta take Sammy away for a bit" and Sam asks "Dean what are you talking about?" Dean looks to Jessica and says "Jessica can I speak to Sam alone for a minute?" Jessica nods and Sam says "Dean whatever you gotta say, you can say in front of Jessica" and Dean nods. When the door opens and Deanna walks in and Sam grins and says "Anne?" Sam rushes towards Deanna and engulfs her in a huge hug and Deann grins and says "Sammy, I missed ya" and Deanna looks to Jessica and says "and who are you?" Jessica looks to Sam and says "I'm Jessica, you must be Deanna...Sam told me all about you" Deanna nods and says "and so he should, I'm his baby sister" and Sam chuckles. Sam looks between Dean and Deanna and says "So what's this about guys?" Deanna says "Dad's went missing, he went on a hunting trip and it's been weeks and we've not heard a peep from him, so I'll just get straight to it we need your help" and Sam looks to Jessica.

Deanna and Dean is waiting by the impala as Dean says "He's built a good life for himself hasn't he?" Deanna looks to Dean and nods and says "Yeah he has, I'm proud of him" and Dean looks to Deanna and asks "You are?" Deanna replies "Well yeah, I ...

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Deanna and Dean is waiting by the impala as Dean says "He's built a good life for himself hasn't he?" Deanna looks to Dean and nods and says "Yeah he has, I'm proud of him" and Dean looks to Deanna and asks "You are?" Deanna replies "Well yeah, I mean to walk away from Dad and our life it wasn't easy De...I couldn't do it. Leave the life behind and never talk to any of you again, it would kill me" and Dean looks to Deanna as Sam is standing at the doorway with Jessica and Sam says "I won't be long" and Jessica nods and says "Yeah, remember you have that interview on Monday" and Sam grins and kisses Jessica. Jessica looks over afar at Deanna and asks "Can I ask a question, why did Deanna pretend she didn't know me?" Sam smirks and says "Thats for Dean's sake, when I left for Standford, Dad told Dean and Deanna never to contact me but Deanna didn't listen and kept in touch but didn't tell Dean and Dad so as far as My Dad and Dean know Deanna hasn't spoken to me for four years" and Jessica smiles and says "I like her, she's spunky" and Sam chuckles "Yeah that's Anne" and Jessica says "Be safe" and Sam smiles and says "I'll call ya" and they both share a kiss and Sam walks down the steps and approaches the black chevy impala.

Dean, Deanna and Sam search for their Father.
Robbie calls Deanna.
Callum stirs things up between Nicole and Deanna.

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