Nicko's Proposal

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Princess Catherine's POV:

Catherine: What ? . . . Nicko, Your the One, Who Told Me, that Running is Not a Solution.

Nicko: I'm Not Running, My Lady. I'm Just Giving Greece What They Demand, To Retrieve the Man Who Beaten King Agamemnon. Mycenae Hold Her, For Me . . .

Catherine: Nicko ! Don't Go . . .

I Scream of His Name, Trying to Prevent Nicko, As He Leaves the Palace, Planning to Surrender Himself, For King Agamemnon.

Nicko: I Promise My Lady, I Will Come Back . . .

As Nicko Left, Leaving Him Out of My Sight. I Tried to Free My Self to Mycenae, Asking Him if He Could Let Me Go . . .

Catherine: Please, Mycenae, He Will Never Survive Alone, By Himself.

Mycenae: But Princess, He did Said, He has a Plan . . .

Catherine: I Don't Believe Him.

Mycenae: All that We Could Do is Believe in Him, And Wait for Him to Come Back . .

As Mycenae and I Argued Between Nicko's Proposal to King Agamemnon, Father then Came with a Socked Expression Marked on His Face . . .

Catherine: Father ? What Happen ? . . .

Father Just Looked Down, Preventing Himself to Answer. I then Hold His Face, Forcing Him to Look Straight at Me in the Eyes and Said . . .

Catherine: Tell Me Father, Please, What Happen to Nicko ? . . .

Father then Pushed By My Cries, And Answered . . .

King Zircon: Nicko has Left the City, Together with King Agamemnon.

He then Looked Down, Trying to Not See My Reaction. I was About to Cry, When Mycenae, Hold My Back and Said . . .

Mycenae: His a Brave Man, My Lady . . .

Nicko's POV:

King Agamemnon: Hello Slave, Are You Enjoying Your Ride, Back to My Base ? . . .

He Yield, While Dragging Me, Tied Up and Being Pulled By His Chariot . . .

King Agamemnon: Wait Until We Reach the Base. There, I Will Start the Torture.

As We Arrive on the Shore, Where the Camp of the Greeks are Located . . .

He then Tied Me Up on a Pillar and Started to Beaten Me, In Return, With His Close Knuckles . . .

Nicko: Hmmm . . .

I Smiled as I Know He is Ignorant, Of What I am Capable of . . .

King Agamemnon: What Are Smiling at Slave ?

Nicko: You Called this Torture ? . . .

He Continue to Assault Me, As If He Truly Feels that He is Actually Hurting Me, King Agamemnon so on Called Torture, Lasted, Until . . .

Achilles: Enough, Agamemnon !

King Agamemnon: Don't Prevail Me Achilles, This Slave Must Learn to Understand, That it is Not Nice to Favor the King's Wrath . . .

Achilles: Don't You Understand ! Agamemnon ?

King Agamemnon: What ?

King Odysseus: That He is Invulnerable.

King Agamemnon Looked at His Fist, Wondering Why ? His Hands are Bleeding. He then Stared at Me and Said . . .

King Agamemnon: No Blood ? . . .

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