Hestia's Oat To The River Of Styx

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Hestia's POV:

Hestia: Where is Hera?

I stated while waiting for Hera's arrival at "The River of Styx."

We both agreed to meet up here, in the form of old women, for her promise that she would help me regain my powers.

Hestia: But how? From the looks of this river, the rock formations close to it already show signs of danger. And the most frightening aspect of coming here is the river itself.

The River of Styx is the boundary between Earth and another dimension, a passage to the Underworld.

Hestia: No mortal shall dare to come close to its invitation. The water is transparent - you could actually take a brief glimpse of life after death if you're tough enough to look at it. The water currents sound like groans, coming from different souls made of various kinds of agony.

It really breaks my heart just looking at this river of death. I tried to divert my thoughts from the river and spotted a group of merchants traveling alongside it.

Hestia: I never knew there were humans capable of going in here. By the looks of these merchants, they didn't seem to bring harm to the land of Greece, and didn't appear to have any such plans.

I looked into their caravan and saw a family group. Children were playing, but not allowed to run too far, women nurturing infants, and the men responsibly keeping them safe from danger.

Seeing them enjoying their journey in this place I fear so much made me say, "I guess this is it? What Hera promised me?" It really warms my heart, seeing these people in the land of despair, but not enough to strengthen my powers.

Hestia: Speaking of danger, I forgot to warn them about the possible threats they may face, such as thieves or bandits waiting to ambush them after their long journey. I should go after them and give the warning.

Hestia: And where is Hera?

Hera's POV:

I can't wait to see the look on Hestia's face when my way of finding a new hero could actually help her regain her powers.

I asked Hestia to meet me at The River of Styx and agreed to deceive ourselves as old women. But here's the twist - I have to meet her on the other side of this river, and she doesn't even have a clue how she'll regain her powers through this activity.

Hera: I arrived a little late, so she could spend some time meeting someone. And there she is, already heading somewhere. I know she has to meet up with someone, but I didn't mean for her to chase after them. Why not try the next one?

Hera: Hestia! Hestia! I shouted her name as I ran to catch her attention. Hestia! Hestia! I repeated, hoping she could hear me. And it did work, but all of a sudden...

Hera: Oops? That didn't happen as planned.

Hestia's POV:

Hestia: And where is Hera?

I started to run and shout as I tackled the different set of rock formations in front of me. The caravan had already reached a considerable distance from my position, and my disguise as an old lady made it more difficult to pass through the obstacles.

Hera: Hestia! Hestia!

While running in exhaustion, I heard the voice of an old woman screaming my name. Hestia! Hestia! And I saw Hera, finally!

It felt like I was prepared to stop whatever I was supposed to do, until my sandal...my left sandal tripped me, and I landed on a hard, rough rock.

Even in exhaustion, I tried my best to place my hand in a standard position and force myself to stand.

Argos: Are you alright?

Hestia: Huh?

Argos: Are you alright?

Hera's POV:

Hera: Oops? That didn't happen as planned.

I frowned, feeling sorry for Hestia's situation. Watching her try to stand, then fall, made me promise not to bring her back and do the same thing ever again. I should have listened to Zeus.

I'm hoping she will forgive me after tricking her.

Hera: Wait? Who is that mortal running towards Hestia?

I saw the mortal helping Hestia stand, until I noticed the group of merchants had stopped to await their crew's return.

Hera: Guess my plot did work, after all.

Hestia's POV:

Argos: Are you alright?

Hestia: Huh?

Argos: Are you alright?

Hestia: ...Uh? Huh?

I couldn't answer him correctly, as I immediately fell in love with his afternoon sky-shade eyes.

He then helped me stand and asked, "Is that your sister?" as he pointed to Hera.

As my head turned to look at Hera, he gently cradled me in his strong, broad arms and fearlessly carried me across the River of Styx, filled with flowing souls.

I could tell he had great strength, as his legs competed with the raging current of the river. I enjoyed looking at him as he chose the rocks to step on, so we wouldn't wobble much and fall.

I told myself, "This young man has been blessed well by the gods above."

After reaching the other side of the river, he carefully set me down in front of Hera.

Hera: Thank you for helping my sister.

I cut off her thanks and gratitude and asked the young mortal, "What is your name, young man?"

Argos: Argos, my name is Argos, dear lady.

Oh, dear lady?

Hestia: May I ask you one last favor, dear Argos?

Argos: And that is?

Hestia: As you return to your caravan, would you please dive into the river and swim back?

He then gave me a small smile and followed my command without any doubts or hesitation, despite the obvious danger the river posed.

I watched him swim back, waving his arms and saying goodbye as the caravan reached further in the distance.

Hestia: Argos...

"I swore an oath to the River of Styx that as long as I live, I'll be watching over you, dear Argos."

Hera: You can't take your eyes off him, Hestia.

Hestia: So did your plan work?

Hera: It went exactly as I wanted it to be.

I simply agreed with Hera's boasts and replied, "Understood."

It really warms my heart, recalling the heroic deed the young Argos performed for me.

Suddenly, I remembered this was the very same way Hera met Jason.

Hera: And yet another hero was born.

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