chapter- 11

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Marinette's pov

We head out for the breakfast
Crossings, pancakes, donuts , and.... momos!!!!!
We are our lunch and considering we arrived just yesterday..we'll have a leave today .... I am thinking to tell alya in the mean time
"Mmmm......the breakfast was awesome" my best friend says
"Yep it had to be....ummm.....alya.....I have to tell you something..."I become nervous
I isn't easy telling someone that you are a princess and have been hiding it from ages
"Hmm...tell meeeeee"she whines
" goes nothing..." I take a deep breath and tell her everything
" You see alya...I am a princess that too of china .. you all have came here to see my coronation ... I'm so so so sorry for not telling you about this but it's a rule . I have grown up in Paris because of some assassinations and that's why I stayed at my uncle and aunt's bakery. Uncle Felix and aunt Bridgette are not my parents... My real parents were attacked in a war and were severely injured that are alright now but because of the attack I was taken away for safety reasons.andddd mini's my sibling And also you are going to meet my old friends AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING.....CAN YOU BEY LADY IN WAITING???????"I tell her
"Woah....that's a lot to take in ..... And yes yes yes yes of course I will be you're lady in waiting!!!!"she replies

To be continued m.....

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