chapter 21

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Marinette's pov

This was the day.
My powers will unlock.
They'll free me .
Lead me towards my destiny.
All by sealing our future.
And Adrien's

3rd person's pov
Xiang Bai opened a book. The cover said that it was a book on the mystic arts. Somehow the aura of the book radiated dark magic

"It won't hurt in the slightest bit my child." The way Xiang looked at Marinette made Adrien realise that they are probably close. What he didn't know was that she had spent her childhood, from a very young age with that old man . Visiting him at late hours when she was not to leave her bed, just so that he wouldn't feel lonely. Learning with him the powers of the mystic arts and the miraculouses, she practically knew about the miraculouses more than anyone else in the world except Xiang of course. There were some exceptions obviously but none Mari cannot learn.

The old man started to mutter some spells under his breath. After a while, he took a blade and gaveitto Marinette who in turn slashed a cut with the help of it on her palm. She then proceeded to drop the blood on a small plate and offered the knife to Adrien who looked at her with confusion. Then it clicked to him that he had to do the same. He repeated the process and Xiang took it from him.

He started moving his hands in the air doing some movement all while muttering the spells. Suddenly, the blood from the plate rose up in the air and formed what looked like a heart.

"Now, you two are bonded by blood and heart. Neither can abondon the other and you have to be for the other one I times of need. Unlike the normal weddings, if these bonds are broken, you shall meet your doom" Xiang explained.


I'm really sorry guys but I'll try to post now. I had exams and had almost lost hope for this book. But seeing your support I'm really thankful and would not stop till it's completed. Thank you again for everything. Love you all💜

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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