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So .... Hey there fellows as you see I wasn't able to update your highness from some time ....
It will be continued like this for a while .... I have school and all that plus I'm out of ideas, and I'm too busy watching avengers these days ....

Coz.....now ....I'M A HUGEEE FAN OF AVENGERS !!!!!!!!!

Ahmmmm.....so...as I was saying sadly the author needs a break and so... I will start updating a while after
Again...I'm sorry.

And yeah! Another important thing!
I've got some reviews on that dressing thing ....for Mari's coronation
But i still need more reviews and comments......

Plz tell me which one you like🥺🥺🥺🥺
Btw the best one is the 3rd one as per the reviews

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